Well-Known Member
I should start an Ecstatic/Fucking Marvelous thread because the fun is only beginning, and Oh boy, this is going to be actually historical & I will have witnessed it
Donald Trump’s Odds of Going to Prison Just Skyrocketed | Vanity Fair
Impeachment witness Alexander Vindman sues Trump Jr., Giuliani (msn.com)
Vindman is going to fucking destroy those two assholes for starters, just for simple libel (slam dunk/they lose
Then, if I was an ambulance chaser in DC, I would contact everyone that was injured on January 6th. and convince them to file a class action suit against Trump himself for initiating/causing a riot that led directly to their physical harm/mental anguish/loss of libedo/hair falling out, etc. etc. etc.
And all the plans for the coup are on tape/emails
What a bunch of idiots.
And these clowns were in the WH, running the country for four fucking years?
No wonder we're all fucked up.
Can you imagine how much the plaintiffs would/will get, even if they settled out of court?
So Trump likes litigation, eh?
I think he's going to very happy then, because he's facing years & years of it
Trump/Trump Organization/Don Jr/Eric/Ivanka & anyone else in upper management are all going to be finished.
Yup, Trump & everything that he holds dear will be gone & he'll be a joke forever in the eyes of the world
No way fucking out
Oh, by the way
Do you think that audit by the IRS that has been going on for 6 years is done yet?

This poem reminds me of Trump in a way.
It's about a ruler who created an empire with magnificent cities & monuments dedicated to himself.
But like all things mortal/material, they eventuality all will turn to dust and the glory fade away, lost in time.
I should text it to Trump, but he's too fucking stupid to comprehend what it means.
I have no doubt about that.
Take care/be safe
Donald Trump’s Odds of Going to Prison Just Skyrocketed | Vanity Fair
Impeachment witness Alexander Vindman sues Trump Jr., Giuliani (msn.com)
Vindman is going to fucking destroy those two assholes for starters, just for simple libel (slam dunk/they lose

Then, if I was an ambulance chaser in DC, I would contact everyone that was injured on January 6th. and convince them to file a class action suit against Trump himself for initiating/causing a riot that led directly to their physical harm/mental anguish/loss of libedo/hair falling out, etc. etc. etc.
And all the plans for the coup are on tape/emails

What a bunch of idiots.
And these clowns were in the WH, running the country for four fucking years?
No wonder we're all fucked up.
Can you imagine how much the plaintiffs would/will get, even if they settled out of court?
So Trump likes litigation, eh?
I think he's going to very happy then, because he's facing years & years of it

Trump/Trump Organization/Don Jr/Eric/Ivanka & anyone else in upper management are all going to be finished.
Yup, Trump & everything that he holds dear will be gone & he'll be a joke forever in the eyes of the world
No way fucking out
Oh, by the way
Do you think that audit by the IRS that has been going on for 6 years is done yet?

This poem reminds me of Trump in a way.
It's about a ruler who created an empire with magnificent cities & monuments dedicated to himself.
But like all things mortal/material, they eventuality all will turn to dust and the glory fade away, lost in time.
I should text it to Trump, but he's too fucking stupid to comprehend what it means.
I have no doubt about that.
Take care/be safe