Trump's "shithole" gaff.

I wish you fools would get the hell out, northern Cali wants to leave your dumb ass,s . So you need to revise your map some , you need to cut the state of Jefferson out of you Cali picture then feel free to GTFO.
California pays more into the system than it receives to the tune of ~16billion as of 2016

Go play in traffic
Yea your full of shit,
Every industry that can leave this shit hole is leaving it.
You collect more welfare dollars than like half the country combined.
LA has the largest homeless population of any place I have ever seen .
In northern Cali meth addict run around in herds through the parks , stealing everything they get ahold of .
I've seen them talking to lamp posts and signs .
Your full of illegal aliens killing people with the poison the bring over .
I've been all over the country and all over the world.
California other then the weather is the worst state in the US .
But you don't know any better because you never left your mommy's basement
what you reckon a give gallon jug of quarters holds? seems like the last time I ran one it was about 5 grand by decree.

if it's a jug from 64 it's worth $62, 246.

that's a difference of $57, 246 which represents a 10x loss of purchasing power from the poor and middle class since 1964.

thought you were all about civil rights and the poor and middle class struggle or are you just posing?

Incorrect AGAIN. (There's a big surprise.)

I have to ask: other than your ass, where do you pull these numbers from?

If you took just 5 seconds to Google things up, you'd look less like a dumbass. I know that's hard to believe as, frankly, you're the most moronic village idiot I've ever come across, but it IS POSSIBLE.

$5,000.00 in 1964, adjusted for inflation to today's dollars comes to exactly $39,481.61. That's a difference of $34,481.61.

That is an increase of 689.63% in value.

But what that doesn't take into account is the average salary at that time and how they've increased.

The median salary in 1964 was $4,576.32. So, that $5,000 dollars you just talked about was MORE than a years salary.

Today, the median salary is $59,110.00 (2016 - last numbers available.) That is MORE than the $39,481.61 the 1964 dollars converts to.

That also means that American household income rose 1191.65%.

Let's look at what some key items cost then to now and the difference between them:

Gallon of gas then: 30 cents / now $2.40 = 700%
New house then: $14,750.00 / now $188,600.00 = 1178.64%
Loaf of bread then: 21 cents / now $1.95 = 828.57%

So stay with me here, because this is where it starts to warp that pea brain of yours into the abyss:


The only reason that isn't the case for most Americans is simple: Credit. People like you were given credit and they ran the shit flat to the max living FAR, FAR beyond their means. You figured that since you had credit, you had money, and that you could "pay minimum payments" and have everything you want NOW.

Then of course you couldn't pay for it all and went tits up bankrupt.

THAT is how it was, and how it is. People love to blame the system when the fact of the matter is they and their greed and undisciplined, uncontrolled spending are the actual problem.
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I wish you fools would get the hell out, northern Cali wants to leave your dumb ass,s . So you need to revise your map some , you need to cut the state of Jefferson out of you Cali picture then feel free to GTFO.

Ever wonder if your borderline illiteracy might have something to do with the shit holes you're finding yourself in? Night school. Try some.
Meat whistle probably lives on the Salton Sea or Imperial Valley. Can’t really judge California from there. Probably still better than where he’s from.
Hell no it's not better than any place I'm from. I am in a decent part of Cali. No really good places in Cali .
I've been all over the country and without a doubt this is the worst state in the country. Any place is better than California .
I've been in several third world country nicer than most of California .
The reason you fools think it's so great is you have never been anywhere else.
You really have fucked up this state since I lived here as a young kid .
I suppose you wonder why so many people and companies to have left the state.
I don't wonder about it at all California is not a place decent people want to live in.
Especially raise kids here .
Unless you for sure want your kids heroin or meth addicts
Hell no it's not better than any place I'm from. I am in a decent part of Cali. No really good places in Cali .
I've been all over the country and without a doubt this is the worst state in the country. Any place is better than California .
I've been in several third world country nicer than most of California .
The reason you fools think it's so great is you have never been anywhere else.
You really have fucked up this state since I lived here as a young kid .
I suppose you wonder why so many people and companies to have left the state.
I don't wonder about it at all California is not a place decent people want to live in.
Especially raise kids here .
Unless you for sure want your kids heroin or meth addicts

We should trade shoes.
Bankruptcy is not loan forgiveness. One of my arguments was for bankrputcy, which is a penalty. I also pointed what I view as potential and evidenced problems with parts of the student loan and education system. Predatory lending and loan forgiveness might be arguable, but all considered there isn't a great case for either. Lenders stood to make a lot of money off of student loans, I'm sure they didn't fight subsidized, unsecure, mandated student loans. But it could be simple negligence as in maybe they thought nearly all students would be able to pay them back. As for loan forgiveness, I probably wouldn't support it on a mass scale because there is personal responsibility to account for. I have also never argued for free higher ed but instead a reconsideration of k-12, maybe making it k-13 or k-14 where the last two to three years are career oriented.

But what does that have to do with our conversation? You complained about people mischaracterizing conservatives in the US as nazis, then you turned around and called Hitler a liberal sjw progressive socialist. He killed and oppressed minorities and controlled the economy through authoritarian dictatorship. You really think Hitler was for social justice? Equal (civil) rights? Gay marriage? You think Hitler just wanted public utilities?

you are implying stuffs. Hitler wanted social justice for what he perceived as oppression from the capitalist jews.

it's historical fact. I'm not conflating that with American progressive sjws entirely but pointing out the similarities only because the sjws like to bandy about the Nazi label.

both are authoritarian. take your gay marriage example. decree of who can or who cannot marry through the state is authoritarian.

authoritarian is left, no government is right.
you are implying stuffs. Hitler wanted social justice for what he perceived as oppression from the capitalist jews.

it's historical fact. I'm not conflating that with American progressive sjws entirely but pointing out the similarities only because the sjws like to bandy about the Nazi label.

both are authoritarian. take your gay marriage example. decree of who can or who cannot marry through the state is authoritarian.

authoritarian is left, no government is right.
do you even know what authoritarian means ? your last sentence shows that you do not

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Yea your full of shit,
Every industry that can leave this shit hole is leaving it.
You collect more welfare dollars than like half the country combined.
LA has the largest homeless population of any place I have ever seen .
In northern Cali meth addict run around in herds through the parks , stealing everything they get ahold of .
I've seen them talking to lamp posts and signs .
Your full of illegal aliens killing people with the poison the bring over .
I've been all over the country and all over the world.
California other then the weather is the worst state in the US .
But you don't know any better because you never left your mommy's basement

beep beep beep

Hell no it's not better than any place I'm from. I am in a decent part of Cali. No really good places in Cali .
I've been all over the country and without a doubt this is the worst state in the country. Any place is better than California .
I've been in several third world country nicer than most of California .
The reason you fools think it's so great is you have never been anywhere else.
You really have fucked up this state since I lived here as a young kid .
I suppose you wonder why so many people and companies to have left the state.
I don't wonder about it at all California is not a place decent people want to live in.
Especially raise kids here .
Unless you for sure want your kids heroin or meth addicts
republican states like west virginia, louisiana, mississippi, alabama, kentucky, and others consistently rank highest in the "misery index".
you are implying stuffs. Hitler wanted social justice for what he perceived as oppression from the capitalist jews.

it's historical fact. I'm not conflating that with American progressive sjws entirely but pointing out the similarities only because the sjws like to bandy about the Nazi label.

both are authoritarian. take your gay marriage example. decree of who can or who cannot marry through the state is authoritarian.

authoritarian is left, no government is right.
wow you are literally under 70 iq
LOL. you really don't understand the meaning of authoritarian. Funny as shit.
Tell you what look up the definition of the word , along with libertarian.
When done we can talk, unless you like looking like a fool


there, just what i said.

its you that is trying to change the paradigm with personality traits. that can never be conclusive as it's almost infinitely divisible.
If that's the case then how come California is the highest rate of working like in the country and the highest homeless rate in the US? How would you ever k lw about other parts of the country when you never leave your momma's basement ?
republican states like west virginia, louisiana, mississippi, alabama, kentucky, and others consistently rank highest in the "misery index".