Trunk5's 400watt stealth grow cab. Lots of Pics..


Active Member
Nice craft work, but ditch the tin foil. Tin foil absorbs a significant amount of light. Go to wal mart, in the camping section they sell "emergency blankets", they're something like $3 and made of 90% reflective mylar. If you're willing to spend a little cash I would recommend panda black/white poly with sealing tape to prevent moisture from seeping into your wood (is that particle board?)

emergency blankets look like this:


Well-Known Member
Nice craft work, but ditch the tin foil. Tin foil absorbs a significant amount of light. Go to wal mart, in the camping section they sell "emergency blankets", they're something like $3 and made of 90% reflective mylar. If you're willing to spend a little cash I would recommend panda black/white poly with sealing tape to prevent moisture from seeping into your wood (is that particle board?)

emergency blankets look like this:

yeah except that isnt tin foil....... i used cheep mylar. the tape i used to hold it up is nashua foil tape. everything worked out perfect and is 9 days from harvest. besides emergency blankets will hold and trap heat in your grow space because of the creases causeing hot spots behind the blankets...


Active Member
Sup =D

Fantastic grow cupboard, I only hope I can make one half as good myself.

I am planning to start a grow and coincidently happen to have a cupboard very similar to Trunk5's.

I intend to line the inside with mylar, the whole inside and cut a hole around a foot in diametre in both the bottom & top side in order to fit a large fan (basic house fan) into each of those holes with duct tape. The lower fan wil point inwards in order to bring fresh clean air into the cupboard & onto the plants to strengthen the stems. The top fan will of course face outwards to remove the old air. I am unsure whether to just buy a computer fan for the top hole?

Once this is completed I will hopefully have an airtight reflective box with a nice circulation of air due to the 2 fans.

I then intend to hang a 400watt HPS/MH light from the top of the cupboard (either from the pole previously used to hang clothes or by drilling a hole in the top so that i can feed the chain/wire/ballast into the top part of the cupboard and use that to hold the light up so that I can lower it and raise it if need be.

I intend to buy square pots (unsure of what kind so will go by what ive seen in the past & what's in the hydroponics shop), Top quality organic soil & perlite to mix 50/50 with the soil to control moisture etc.

I used to know a guy who grew with a similar setup, he showed me some little clay balls that go at the botom of the pots, i cant remember what they are for, could someone advise please?

I am currently unsure of how I will germinate my seeds as I may not be able to find a suitable provider of good quality cuttings and really don't want to ruin seeds that ive just paid for lol. I understand the methods of placing between 2 plates and wet tissue but don't consider it to be as reliable as buying that plastic tub thing from a hydro shop (the one where you place the seeds in rockwool and leave inside a very moist tub. I have heard this is effective and hope to groow 5-6 plants using this method.

My cupboard is 23 inches wide, 19 inches deep and 58 inchess high (just under 5 foot high) How many plants do you think I could/should grow with this amount of space?

And is this considered a large height? I mean, can I still control how big the plants get just buy lowering/raising the lights? and will a taller plant mean longer grow time?

So....What I intend to buy from the local hydroponics store in summary:

Mylar (about 5 metres)

400 Watt HPS/MH lamp (with ballast/reflector etc)

Nutes (still researching but obv include ph up and down etc)

organic high quality soil



Possible germination kit (please advise)

possible rockwool (please advise)

ph metre

temperature metre

Spray can (for watering/applying nutes)

Other tools/accessories:

A drill

computer fan

large house fan(s)

duct tape (silver preferably)

calender (to monitor/track grow cycle as im unorganised lol)

Multi-socket extension lead


Please, could anyone that has the time advise me on the above list, I am unsure about some of the items listen & can't think of anything else that I would need at this stage, at least until the plants are in full vegitative stage and require further care etc)

To all you guys, I hope your grows prosper and prevail & believe that with your advice I could maybe one day grow the same quality bud as youselves :)

Nick :weed:

I forgot to mention that I also intend to buy and use a basic plug socket timer to control the light on/off times. (the kind people use to auto switch on/off lamps while they are away from home) is this advised???


Well-Known Member
looking good to me, altho idk if im going to keep this box around for my second grow. i was thinking more the lines of buying a few good wardrobe closets and turning them into a two chamber tent. not only will this help for me to take it down and move it, but also my girls are pushing the limits of my 4x3x2 bottom cab. as this is only 3 plants and i wanted to have 4.


Active Member
looking good to me, altho idk if im going to keep this box around for my second grow. i was thinking more the lines of buying a few good wardrobe closets and turning them into a two chamber tent. not only will this help for me to take it down and move it, but also my girls are pushing the limits of my 4x3x2 bottom cab. as this is only 3 plants and i wanted to have 4.
I see, I thought youd got 5? did 2 die or something?? and what kind of yield are you expecting? those plants look pretty healthy :p lol

My grow space is pretty similar to your however the depth is slightly less than yours. I do have another cupboard (same type) siting next to it that has shelves that can be removed etc so if this goes well ill probably either take the middle panels out and join the 2 cupboard together in order to double the space or il buy another light and have it as a seperate grow box. Plus I have a large area (with door) under the stairs that would be ideal but thew room is about 5-6 feet in height and about 10 feet wide lol. I had a guy that knew his shit that wanted to kit it out with hydro and fit about 20-30 girls in there but I chose to tackle growing myself (instead of becoming someone else's pawn etc). One day when I have the growing experience il kit that out and go big but for now I just want to keep my limits to the one grow cupboard. I mean....based on the single cupboards size how many would you suggest I stick in there? and any particular strain?

Im glad yours has gone well mate :) I hope to be as successful. :weed:

grow space

Well-Known Member
wow man-superbous delicious plants you got mate-really fine sticky ickyyy!!!!

keep up the good work.....


Well-Known Member
actually at one point there were 6, i had 4 and gave my buddy 2 for him self well one of mine turned to be male and one of his turned male. so i got 3 girls and he has one of my other girls. plant number all comes down to space, light and how big you want to grow your plants. personally i dont ever see any more then 4 plants in my space at a time. as for my yield idk exactly what im gunna be getting but 2 zips a plant dosent look to far from my reach.
here are some pics i took tonight about 5 min befor the lights turned on.
Your plants are looking great man!!!:hump: I was wondering what strains your growing and if they are indica dom or a hybrid? What height did you let them veg before you started 12/12? Did you adjust the height of your hps/mh or just leave it fixed height? also how many 3 gallon potting bag do you think you could fit in there? Are you topping them or just letting them grow big colas?

Your set up looks baller!!!! :clap: I am just lurking for the summer until I feel i have fully wrapped my head around things....but thanks for the ideas. +rep


Well-Known Member
Your plants are looking great man!!!:hump: I was wondering what strains your growing and if they are indica dom or a hybrid? What height did you let them veg before you started 12/12? Did you adjust the height of your hps/mh or just leave it fixed height? also how many 3 gallon potting bag do you think you could fit in there? Are you topping them or just letting them grow big colas?

Your set up looks baller!!!! :clap: I am just lurking for the summer until I feel i have fully wrapped my head around things....but thanks for the ideas. +rep

honestly i dont know what strains they are, but the seeds i used were from kush, nycd, and orange crush. the front two definitly have a strong orange smell to them, the back one seems to be a kush plant of some sort.

i veged them all for 4 weeks after they sprouted so id say 5 weeks veg from seed. basicly i let them grow 6 to 7 sets of leaves then i toped the front two just above the 3rd node. the back plant i left alone cuz it was a slow starter. then i put them into flower. im guessing there indica dom they didnt grow too much taller since about the 5th week of flower.

yes as the grow went on i raised the light but i kept them about 6 inches from the light at all times. i use 2 gal pots and i fit 4, altho if i move my intake i could get six in there, so im guessing in this space 4 3gal bags will do you good. with 2 gal pots i got plants that are a little over 3 feet tall lst'ed.

good luck with your attempt and youll learn more by trial and error then you will reading. only reason i say this is i didnt know what most people were talking about untill i was reaching thoes points in my own grow.


Well-Known Member
looks nice thinking of doing kind of the setup, same res's, same exact light etc etc lol. how tall are those res's do you know off hand?


Well-Known Member
looks nice thinking of doing kind of the setup, same res's, same exact light etc etc lol. how tall are those res's do you know off hand?
if your talking about the bubble set up i made. i used sterilight 10 gal, there 20.5 inches wide, 14.5 inches deep and 13 inches tall.


Your area should grow 4 plants at best. The height isn't enough. Mine were in a 62" high grow box and I had to raise the top another 22" because at 5 weeks the 400w HPS was burning my taller plants. Now is thre time before you start. I think that the 400w HPS is too much for your grow box. Good luck.