I've heard brotanical skims off the freebies that come with exotic Genetics packsIf I were to drop that money on a clone I would try from a bank like brotanicalgardens or another seed bank. I know some now offer clones but I can only remember brotanical right now.
Edit: beleaf site boomfiya.com has clones
Typical RIU, forget answering OPs question, tell him why he's wrong for asking it!!
I've had good luck with Auntie Jane's Nursery. They post all their pathogen testing results online and I've never heard of anyone getting a bad cut from them. I've also had good results from Pink Box though some people on here said they had issues. And PNWStrainhunter is solid but he doesn't appear to have anything listed right now.
GMO Rootbeer is absolutely fire if your looking for a good clone only cut to run for a bit by the way. Which, if you want the legitest of clones, grabbing Skunktek gear when it drops is the way to go. It ain't cheap, but your definitely getting the heat, and it's definitely clean cuts. Unfortunately, it means following him on IG which can be inconvenient if you know, you don't use IG
"testing" doesn't tell you the cycle threshold used or viral load present.
With what cycle threshold? And is the lab affiliated with any of these dealers? What specifically are you testing for? Share all data, public, open source.
Testing does tell you the "viral load" present... that's the whole point. Otherwise what are you suggesting they're testing for?
Well I'm not testing for anything, I just grow the shit... as for what the vendor is testing for, obviously that varies. You ask all valid questions worth seeking answers too... but the questions themselves are not deterrents in my mind. There's always a risk association with taking in clones, whether from an online vendor or your beastie. That's why I highly recommend quarantine for any cut you take in before introducing it to the general populace no matter the source.
MY point is the "healthy" mom might pass the cycle threshold while the snips/cutting/clones will be loaded with virus...............eventually as the stress builds. MOM Passed testing...........but still has herpes because the test was designed NOT(cycle threshold) to find it.
Can you cite anything to suggest that cuts from a mom that tested clean for Hop Latent Viroid can still carry and spread the virus, or what threshold people should be looking for here to best ensure the cut is clean? Like, if your knowledgeable on the subject please enlighten us. Right now your just typing buzzwords that are probably meaningless to the vast majority of readers.
I dont believe stress is as big of a factor here as you suggest. A healthy plant may be better able to combat the symptoms of the virus better than a stressed plant but the virus still needs to be present in either case... it's not like stress causes the virus to appear. And I've never seen anything to suggest a stressed plant is any more likely to pass it along than a healthy plant. I mean, that's basically how it became such an issue in the first place, perfectly healthy looking plants can be contagious
Look around you.
Are you being purposely obtuse? Cite your sources! Cite your sources? Let's go in circle? If this problem came down to simple testing it would be over already.