tryin bubbleponics, now have sick plants, take a look and throw me suggestions please


i basically did everything this guy told me to do, accept pump more air and use airstones,

im using 2 20 gallon air pumps, an 80 gallon air pump, and a 10 gallon air pump, 3 bubble wands and 2 bubble stones

something is telling me his feeding schedule was too good to be true and now im paying for it (if it sounds too good to be true, probably is!)

but im new to hydroponics and i dont want just go on what i think, some suggestions would be great thanks alot!

also, ive been checking the roots once a day, because i need to lift the top of to check the ph and adjust it (which i have to adjust alot btw, i dont know if thats normal) and was wondering how bad that is for the roots, the roots dont look fantastic (ie a tad on the tan side), but arent as bad as ive seen some root rot pictures. and if it is root rot, is that shit gonna take over my plant is it like too late?

i personally think i have a nute problem, chime in experts! help me become and expert too! thanks for all the input, people helped alot last time i had an issue and now those plants are doing great!

i have eight 24 watt floro bulbs, one giant 68 watt floro bulb, 4 like 3 foot floro tubes, and 1'x1' led light, its getting plenty of light (i have a 600 watt hps for flowering in another room) though i am getting a 400 watt HID in a few days. the lights are about a foot from the plants (i assume its getting enough light because i grew my 1st plant under these conditions and it grew fine, it also makes my phone camera go all nutty when i take pictures which only seems to happen under ALOT of lighting)

im using 4ml of General Hydroponics Micro per gallon of water , and 8ml of General Hydroponics Bloom per gallon of water in about 15 gallons of water.
(so in total im using 64ml of Micro and 120ml of Bloom in the bucket of water)

the res i dont have a thermometer for (i know im half a tard for that, all the thermometers i have none are water proof, figues) the waters cool to the touch tho, and air temp is about 70-75,

i have fresh air coming into the room via ducting from outside, has fans to circulate air all that jazz

the ppm measures at 150, in using a HM digtal tds meter
my water is 90 ppm without anything added to it

my ph i try to keep at 5.3, but every morning i wake up and its around 6.7, it comes out of the tap at around 8.5,
i do let my water sit out 24 hours before giving it to my plants

ps they looked worse before i took the dead leaves off (wish i took pics before then but was hoping i could handle it myself. nope i need the experts)

