Trying something new.

Update: Day 56

The Wedding Cake is getting close, says it's a 56 to 63 day flowering period. Most are cloudy, some are partially cloudy, I am thinking maybe mid week harvest. Will harvest the top buds first leaving the lower buds for a few more days.

The ladies as a group.
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Wedding Cake, this one is just about ready
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Mimosa EVO, mostly clear trichs and seeing mostly white pistils. Thinking next week of longer. Once the WC is harvested will give me more room to spread them and get some good like inside.
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Both are very sticky and the fragrance on both is extreme, with the Wedding Cake having a fuel smell and the Mimosa EVO is very sweet smelling.


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Just a couple of post harvest pics. The Mimosa is still in the tent along with the stumps, going to leave it for a bit longer. Trichs are clear an smoky, some cloudiness.
After all the Wedding Cake was harvested, sort of spreading the Mimosa branches.
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After spreading the Mimosa.

Laid out for height control.
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Random bud shots of the Mimosa.
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The fragrance is great!
Put Saturdays harvest in jars today. A little quicker than normal but we had a cold front blew in on Saturday and the humidity dropped to 19%, my normal humidity is around 70 to 80%.
This this after 3 days days hanging and about 36 hours in plastic bags then another days plus on the drying screen.
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This is the size of buds that went into the jars.
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7 jars at 32 gram, 2 jars at 42 grams, one jar at 41 grams and 1 jar at 47 grams. 15.1 zips of dried, trimmed and in jars,

About an oz short of what I thought it would be but still a good haul. Still have the Mimosa EVO in the tent for a Sat or Sun harvest, expect more off this plant than any of the three Wedding Cakes.

I will say these buds are tighter and harder than any of my last few grows, so changing the bulbs may have been the right choice.
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Ok today I set up the new grow, 6 Mimosa EVO on rectangle screen.
The original round setup, and the new setup. Will start flower before the plant reach the screen.
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Will be able to pull the plants about two feet to the front of the tent to work on them. That will be great for this old man's back.
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Day 3 of veg under the two 315's.

Normal position in the tent.

Today, pulled the plant stand all the way to the front of the tent and tied down the plants again. Position when pulled forward on the rollers, can move the stand about 1.5 to 2 feet. Gives me ample movement to get to the back plants.
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Will be able to pull the plants about two feet to the front of the tent to work on them.
Thinking of topping all buds, mains and side branching, one more time. That would allow the plants to go into flower around the middle of December. Looking like there are around ten buds pre plant now and would like to get the bud count to around 20.
These pics taken today.
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Do not have labels on the plants because my buddy who started these clones did not label the phenos. My first run this fall was the Wedding Cake and his was the Mimosa EVO and we exchanged clones. He has only been growing for a couple of years, he is lazy and does not check ppm's or pH on a regular bases. The clones I got from him were very in need of additional Calimagic and Epsom.
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This last pic, taken on 11/12 shows the deficiencies. Got them from him on 11/6 in Solo's and put into the 2 gallon Smart pots on 11/7. Was able to get the problem resolved in my favor in about 4 days. Have 4 irrigation cycles set at 30 seconds each. You can see in today's pics that the Cal/Mag issue is resolved, took over a week but it's under control now. Strong root system being developed so now under the 315's they should begin to flourish.
Gave him 6 clones of the Wedding Cake in Solos that were about 10 inches tall and very healthy. He said wow your clones are so much nicer than the ones I gave you, so we had the Cal/Mag discussion again for about the 5th time, :) like I said he is lazy.

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Start of veg under the 2 - 315's and on the new screen last Monday 11/23.
Been tying the branches down and spread. Wanting to start flower soon, at least by the end of the week if not before.
Last Monday

One weeks growth, have tied the branches down three times since last Monday. Attempted to do some Fimming this last week, will see how it goes. The plants are about 8 inches from the screen. I can remove the legs and add more height to the screen, will adjust as needed.

Noticed this while viewing the plants this morning. On an older leaf and not seeing it on any new growth. But I am going increase the Calimagic by 0.5ml and the Epsom by 0.25 grams.
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Cold front blew in, I am headed to the beach to toss a line in the water, Reds and trout are in the surf now.
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The "Cal/Mag" issue is getting out of hand, never had this before.
Today I change the rez and added extra Calimagic and Epsom. ready to flip but worried about flipping with the plant like this.
Added an extra three gallon to the rez with 3 ml of Calimagic. Did a 3 minute flush 3 min flush with increased Cal/Mag.

Could use a bit of help here!
Began misting with 1 tsp of Epsom in 1 liter of water. Problem seems to have improved. Did pre flower trim and in recovery mode now. Be putting into flower soon.
Within a couple of inches from the screen, one plant is touching the screen.
Day 8 of flower:
Here are the ladies at the start of flower last week.

Have been tucking the stretching branches under the screen but think I will let them go a bit. They are one week into stretch so I know the hormone change has happened, so they should begin stretching fairly rapidly now. Will continue to tuck as needed if they begin need it.

Lights are 19 inches from tops of plants.

Thinking of taking some of the fans, any thoughts guys/girls? I believe they are going to get too thick.
Day 18

Just a couple of days till the 21 day defo, and man do they need it.


Three shots right to left across the canopy.

All seem to be going well, I love "Less is More"! No over fert, good even color and growth. As stated I will be doing the 21 day defo this week, so will back off the ferts for a 15 gallon rez full then back to the regular nutrient program.

Buds up and down the stem are forming very well. Hopefully they will end up like this one, this was the single Mimosa EVO I grew last grow, pic taken on the last week prior to harvest.
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Ended up with 8 zips plus some that was not trimmed well that went into FECO.

The plants are looking good, temps are good in the tent 78 F lights on and 65 to 68 F lights off, will be raising the lamps just a bit this week, 17 inches above the canopy now, will raise two to three inches to finish stretch and then see where it stands at that point, can still raise the lamps about 5 to 6 inches more.

I really like this setup, being able to work on the plants fairly easily but believe I will make some modifications to this setup after this grow. Will still use this screen, which is approx. 12 sqft, but am going to put it back on the Lazy Susan. Since the tent is a 4x 4 and I have it in a 5 x 5 closet I will be able to rotate it 180 degrees making working on the back side of the stand much easier.
Since it will take two days to complete the day 21 defo I started today as I will be out of town on Thursday.

Couple of pics from this Scrog.
12/4 Pre flower trim.

12/9 5 days later start of 12/12

12/16 First week of flower

12/23 Second week of flower

And today, day 20 of flower, started third week trim today, one day early as I will not be here Thursday and know it is going to take two days to complete the trim. Got the undercarriage on the front three plant, and almost completed the above screen defo. Will work on them for a bit tonight after lights on and hope to complete them tomorrow.

The undercarriage, front row complete and will finish the back row tonight.

Will add a few gallons of RO to the rez in the morning, that should lower the EC from where it is at present, 1.75 EC,, to less than 1.5, pH and do a flush. I will keep a gallon out to treat the pots with Great White with the last gallon of flush. I have 15 gallons mixed to add to the rez, it is 1.45 EC and I will run that for this rez to prevent any over fertilization of the defo'ed plants. This rez should last about 4 days and then I will increase the EC and add some Liquid KoolBloom for two weeks at low rates.

GR's 5 Plant Vertical Grow Winter 19/20'
Day 28

Happy New Year, Damn I sure hope so!

Recovery from the 21st day defo has been great and am about a week till I begin adding Liquid KoolBloom.
These pics are from just prior to lights off and just after lights off.
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You get to that part of the grow where you're taking pictures everyday and looking at the plants at least once a day so you say damn they sure don't seem to be growing much.
Then you go back and look at pics from a week ago and say, oh, shit yeah!!!
Did the epson foliar action on dec 2 sort out the yellowing? How long did you spray? Before lights? I had the same issue with 1 strain but i didn't spray long enough.

Question 2:
when you defol on day 21 of flower, do you take 1/3 of leaves above and completely clean up below? Do you leave all fan leaves?

Scrog looks super, impressive.
Did the epson foliar action on dec 2 sort out the yellowing? How long did you spray? Before lights? I had the same issue with 1 strain but i didn't spray long enough.

Question 2:
when you defol on day 21 of flower, do you take 1/3 of leaves above and completely clean up below? Do you leave all fan leaves?

Scrog looks super, impressive.

It took a few days of spraying to solve the issue. I would spray right before and right after lights on and then a couple of times during lights on.

For the 21st day defo, remove most everything under the screen and I remove every fan with a 1 inch stem from above the screen.

Thanks buddy, my last attempt at a scrog did not work.
Thanks for the tips. So do you keep any fan leaves? Most are over 1 inch stem.

So will you stick to horizontal or go back to vertical?

As mentioned, nice clean operation.
Thanks again!

I remove all water fans . You can see here the leaves I don't remove.

This years fall grow will be a vertical grow, I am thinking Barneys Farm Dos Si Dos for the fall grow and this next winter grow will be either Wedding Cake or Mimosa EVO again. I like both of those strains and have the seeds.
Day 42

Not a lot to report, they are doing just wonderful. In my last cycle of KoolBloom, will do a 6 gallon flush in the morning. Should have about 2 gallon plus left in the rez when I add the 6 gallons, and will do one minute flushes until the rez is empty. The next rez will be back to regular nutes at the reduced rates.
This weeks pics! Whole screen and then 6 shots from back left to front right.

Back Right.

Front Right.

The buds are very tight, lots of sugar leaves, strain related. Just did a bowl of the one Mimosa EVO from my last grow and damn it is good.