Trying to add co2


Well-Known Member
Looking for a good recipe for adding co2 to the air in my box. found 2 recipes, calling for baking soda and vinager. The other calls for yeast sugar and water. The yeast sugar and water seems easier. But any ideas or amounts for the mixture?
u can use dry ice..u'd probably just need a pound at a time..its about $1 - $2..thats what i do and im just doing a small closet grow


Well-Known Member
Ok, this is what I do. I didin't come up with this by any means. But it works well for me!

This was posted by (infiniteawesome) on the site Grass City:


1 2 liter soda bottle with cap
1 1/4 tsp measuring spoon
1 Pyrex liquid measuring cup
1 Dry measuring cup (1 cup size)
1 Funnel
Hot Tap Water


-Take off the cap of the 2 liter soda bottle and poke the smallest hole you can in the cap.

-Clean/sterilize the bottle with hot tap water and rinse out until clean on the inside. Do the same for the cap

-Fill Pyrex cup with 1 liquid cup of extremely hot tap water

-Measure out one dry cup of sugar and pour into pyrex cup

-Stir thoroughly until sugar is dissolved in water

-Pour mixture through funnel into 2 liter bottle

-Repeat mixture once more and pour into 2 liter bottle

-Measure out 1/4 tsp. of yeast and pour into 2 liter bottle

-Quickly cover bottle with cap

-Shake vigorously

-Remove cap and pour a small amount of sugar onto surface of mixture.

-Screw cap back onto bottle

That's it. Just put it behind your ventilation fan that is pointing towards your plants and let the co2 enriched mixture go. It should last 4-7 days I believe.

This works kind of like o2 for humans, the more the better. So if you can fit more into your space, then go for it, but after a certain point it will become pointless to put more in.

Remember to refrigerate your yeast after opening it as it dies readily at room temperature if it doesn't have something to feed on.

If all goes well the plants will survive temps as high as 98 to 120 I've heard and it's much better for the plants to be at those temps when the air is co2 enriched anyways. Though I wouldn't try to exceed 100 as I'm pretty sure you can heat stress the plants still even with co2 enriched air.

This is simply a good way at getting around those scary high temperatures during the summer without having to invest in an expensive cooling system which is basically how I'm using it, but y'know increased plant vigor is always a plus.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
i got a fillrd tank on craigs list for 50 dollars with a reglator. the diy shit does not work dudes. yu would need a trash can of fermenting yeast for a min of c02 lol. the tank is easy to turn on and off and the plants love it!


Well-Known Member
yeah thanks hooked ill try that.
I dont really have a large budget on this. and i will really need to keep temps down in the summer. when i have more room to be more serious with this ill prolly try the tanks.

drew k.420

Active Member
the air we breathe contains 300ppm of co2,optimum conditions for plants is 1500 ppm,you cant get that from cracking a window.


Active Member
First, if you make the concoction below, DO NOT pour sugar/yeast water on plants. You will KILL them. I have a thread going on this right now.

I've seen differing opinions on whether adding CO2 is of any benefit. That just breathing on plants will give you the same effect. On a dollars and cents benefit, I'd say no, don't bother with it. You are just speeding up the process by a day or two. My theory is nothing is too good for my plant, so I've been adding CO2. This is the recipe that I used (based on something I read on this or another forum.)

One clean 1 liter soda bottle. Add 2c sugar and 2c warm water. Shake. Put 1 tbsp baking soda in 2c cold water, add to bottle and shake. Add pack of yeast, but don’t mix or shake. A rubber stopper with a hole in it for the soda bottle. [Note: it works better to dissolve the dry ingredients into water before pouring into bottle with a funnel. Otherwise you need a dry funnel and a wet funnel] Using some small flexible plastic aquarium tubing, run one tube into bottom of separate liter whiskey bottle half full of water. [I used this bottle because it had a wide mouth for three tubes] Top of whiskey bottle has two tubes going to plant. (don't put tubes going to plant in the water) All three tubes are caulked into top of whiskey bottle. One near top of plant and one in middle. Place several holes, an inch or two apart at end of tubes, so the CO2 is distributed to more parts of the plant. If its working, you'll see CO2 bubbling in the water, but very very slowly. Its suppose to last about 2 weeks. After a week you may not see any bubbling, just give it a gentle shake to mix up the solution.


Active Member
I was wonder if u could use dry ice as a dual purpose cooling system and co2 generator. it's just a thought i've had and i've been searching around to c if anyone one has ever done it/ opinions of whether or not it will work.
Check out this link. This is the right way to do it. With pics and the right recipe for a good fermentation mix. Use champagne yeast or brewers yeast if you can. Last longer brews stronger. The bubbler lets you know when to give the bubbler a shake to keep it brewing. I shake all of mine once a day.

And that hater that said it doesn't work is prob a diy snob who makes the cash slinging and has never been broke.
It works very well. The more bubblers you make the better it works. There is also a cheap gauge that you can buy to make sure its working (even though the bubbler tells you so). It is a large hypo syrnge (no needle) that you suck in the air around your plants. Crack the glass ends off of the gauges they provide, push the air through, and you have an accurate reading that you can use to prove to any of these doubters that it works.
Good luck


Well-Known Member
Check out this link. This is the right way to do it. With pics and the right recipe for a good fermentation mix. Use champagne yeast or brewers yeast if you can. Last longer brews stronger. The bubbler lets you know when to give the bubbler a shake to keep it brewing. I shake all of mine once a day.

And that hater that said it doesn't work is prob a diy snob who makes the cash slinging and has never been broke.
It works very well. The more bubblers you make the better it works. There is also a cheap gauge that you can buy to make sure its working (even though the bubbler tells you so). It is a large hypo syrnge (no needle) that you suck in the air around your plants. Crack the glass ends off of the gauges they provide, push the air through, and you have an accurate reading that you can use to prove to any of these doubters that it works.
Good luck

Thanks man sounds good. i always go the diy way. sometimes it doesnt work but after you get practice you get it right.


Well-Known Member
I think ill try the yeast and sugar way in my flower room. (once i start flowering) ill try dry ice in the veg room. its pretty hot in there.