Trying to beat old man winter!!!! ADVICE PLEASE!!!


Active Member
:roll:Ok kids I got a pretty serious problem. I have 1 4' plant in theground, she is 5 weeks into flowering, looking marvelous...she has purple-pinkish colored hairs, really thick...however the frost usually arrives in southern new england around Halloween...the bud hasnt really developed yet, however i have a space inside and a hps 400 watt...when should i bring her in ? how do i do this without killing or maiming her? ADVICE PLEASE!!!!


Well-Known Member
I don't think you'll be able to pull her out of the ground at this point. Can you build a make shift tent for out side?


I live in NE also, Southern NH here. My planned date is Halloween. I hope they are done by then. I got mine in pots so I can bring them inside on my porch at night If I want. But a couple times we had frost warnings I just stuck plastic bags over the plants and cut a few holes in the bags so you don't suffocate the plant. I recommend a burlap sac. Make sure you check the weather every night and just cover it when It happens. Also this month the light will be changing a ton so id expect a lot of bud growth. Lets keep our fingers crossed us New Englanders will get good yields!!!
my girl was about 2 weeks into flowering and i transplanted her from the ground into a 15? gallon container.

just make sure you leave a big enuff root ball. i tried to leave a 2 foot ball but it was a little smaller. the main stem was able to support the complete weight of the root ball when i lifted. its been approx 4 weeks since then and shes still doing well even after a light frost, just loosing the fan leaves (due to flowering). im sure the plant got stressed some but its nothing i would be worried about compared to losing her to cold weather


Active Member
budence I'm in the exact same boat, but taking mine out of ground is out of the question for various reasons. I have 3 diff strains at 3 diff stages of flower, and I'm fairly sure one will not be ready in time, but such is life growing in the great outdoors up here. I will simply go as long as I can go and then harvest. In fact I'm looking at the weekend of the 24th if we make it that long. I expect them to fill out nicely over the next 3 weeks. They really pick up at the end...