trying to do some trainwreck outdoors but no flowers yet


Well-Known Member
I guess I picked the wrong strain to try outdoors as we don't have a long enough season out here I pretty sure I put out a plant from seed at the end of may it was and put it in the ground it was growing indoors for a month now here it is closing in on the end of august and still no signs of flowering and it is alil over 3-1.5 ft.

I don't know how tall it will finish off at but im not so sure I need it getting 7ft tall trying to keep it somewhat stealth could I and should I top.

also the lower leaves were turned yellow and the slugs were attacking it still as they have been all season ill have to put some more sluggo down.

also thinking that I need to give it some nute water to get the yellow out idk maybe somehow it flushed it self out with all this rain we had a week ago.

I just need to know will it bud at some point and give me a yeild


Well-Known Member
I don't know what to tell you but I'm growing trainwreck and put it outside as a clone in May after a couple of weeks inside and it's about 5 foot+ tall and looking gorgeous. Of my three outdoor plants, the trainwreck started flowering earliest. It's not as physically large of a plant as my other two (started at the same time) buti it is absolutely gorgeous and the buds are well developed. I'm not having any yellowing yet except a couple at the top with a little phosphorus deficiency and I took care of that quickly. The trainwreck started flowering firts - before amnesia or the only.

Anyway, I'm in NorCal and it started budding at least two weeks ago...maybe a little more...


Well-Known Member
Yaa im in the northeast and it is not inside im doing outside I started it inside idk ill post a pic so maybe someone can clue me in003.jpg002.jpg


Well-Known Member
Take a close up of the two huge leaves (about 1/2 way down), with what look to be yellow centers. That and the leaf shape makes me think this plant looks to be in early flower, even to my old eyes and with those zoomed out shots. Gotta see much closer (down in them nodes) to tell for sure though. :bigjoint:

Lookin' good otherwise!

R2T :peace:


Well-Known Member
thanks man but what i dident show was the holes in the leaves if i do a close up you would see a bunch of holes in it half way up it.

Good to know i might still have something. ???? does it look like it could be a trainwreck.

Also should i bother to fill the hole up with more soil top it off


Active Member
I grew trainwreck a couple years back. I live in BC Canada, so north like yourself. Its an EXTREMELY slow strain up here. I ended up moving mine into a shed with a 1000w bulb and flowering another 5-6 weeks when it got to cold out. After 13+ weeks in flower I ended up harvesting and it could have used another couple weeks for sure. Might want to consider covering them up at night after 12 hours and start the flowering process along if it hasnt already. Days are still long up north and you may not start flowering for another week or so. I light dep every year, not worth taking the chance with some sort of late october harvest.

GL anyway, if it makes you feel better its some real kick ass stuff.


Well-Known Member
oh i know what trainwreck is like some versions are stronger then others and no moving a plant that is in the ground is not an option you dont want to kill it.

if i moved the plant indoors it would be pretty shocked and i dont have a pot big enough sustain a plant that size which im sure has many roots.

im growing in stealth outside so i was hoping for a harvest no later then begining of october. keep in mind i mentioned i started it inside for about a month then moved it outside.

all i need to know now is based on the size of it would adding soil to fill the hole all the way will that allow for more buds ??? will the plant produce more or is it fine and not worth adding anymore soil at this point???

Also i have been told that trainwreck flowers in 55 days its the veg cycle that takes along time i was told 50-55 days flowering plant is ok for up here anything that takes longer then 55 days is no good.

im thinking caloran you should have started indoors or used a clone idk if you started from seed or not and bc naw your on the other side of the country and alil north of me on the 45 or 6th paralle im in the 44th more like it. 004.jpg I have been told that you dont want to do trainwreck up here its not the right place but idk at thins point i guess all i can do is just wait it out idk should i be watering giving it ferts and just wait it out???

Its at the point where all the trees and plants and bushes around here are gonna start dieing back and expose everything. which is what i been worried about now people will more then likely see it half done in the woods and take it or destroy it i was hoping to harvest before that happend .

one thing i have learned is you never describe what a plant is in the full area to anyone around because they will just try and rob your shit for they own self .

Alot of times a person will hear about something and purposely tell someone everything they can about it so they can rob


Active Member
Well when you start really doesnt have any affect on when it will finish. You could grow it up 10 feet tall before you move it out, it still will only flower when the days are short enough. I think 55 day cycle is probably under lights or something, I seriously doubt youll finish trainwreck outdoors in week fall sun in 55 days. I didnt meen digging it up btw, that would be murder. Covering it at night with a make shift tent/tarp could help.

As far as adding some dirt to the top I suppose it couldnt hurt. I doubt it will increase growth overly as roots typically will keep growing down but it will keep the plant cool and let you water it a little less often.

I hope it turns out faster for you. I can tell you for certain though that at 55 days mine wasnt even close to ready.


Well-Known Member
Well i checked on it around the 22 of last month and it appeared to be flowering its pretty much stealth so i have to watch out what i do idk if i should give it ferts one more time and wait atleast till the end of the month and harvest??? thing is even thought its getting colder out in noticing foot traffic near the area more then before it seems ppl jogging walking dogs and punky pukey looking teenagers with there gf walking . im sure ppl are out hunting for em right now.

Im pretty much unsure what to do if i wait till say middle of october all of the brush and foliage will have died off and my baby will prolly have be found and ripped off.

I dont want midgrade qaulity i would rather have potent trainwreck but at the same time i dont want banyone else to get even a small bud of it.

What to do what to do??? should i be trying to harvest it soon