I know 'affordable' depends on your wallet, and mine is pretty tight, but Im determined to give this a try if I can. I really need to keep the total cost to under $300 if at all possible - less is more in this case.
I have been reading a gazillion old posts about HPA and AA systems for the last several days. I am most impressed with Atomizers posts and theories on this subject. There seems to be very few people doing HPA and even fewer still doing AA, and many of them don’t seem to like sharing details, or pics and posts in old threads have been deleted or are unavailable any more. So, its been a lot of searching old posts on several forums, and making lots of notes.
Atomizer has convinced me that an AA system would be ‘best’, but I have decided that I am unwilling to spend the $$ on that - for now.
That’s mainly because it would stretch my budget too much for an experiment that I may not stick with long term. Plus, I really don’t have room for even a small air compressor and aux air tank on top of the other items needed.
Its pretty clear that AA, and to a slightly lesser degree HPA, are not for everyone, and I may end up at the end, deciding that it isn’t for me either. I love almost everything about AA except the initial cost, so that leaves HPA. Even that is going to be difficult to do ‘well’ on my budget.
I’m trying to make the math work on an ‘affordable’ HPA system. So that’s goal #1.
#2 is to produce nice fuzzy aero roots. I don’t want to try this unless I have a reasonable chance to get at least fairly decent, fuzzy aero roots. That assumes I can get it dialed in properly with my equipment choices.
#3 is to not kill them all off if I go out of town for a week at a time. The system needs to be able to run for at least 5 days on its own – once its dialed in. That also assumes no parts failures for those 5 days.
#4 is to have a system I can start seeds and/or clones in and take them all the way to harvest without having to move them.
I 'think' I have an idea for a system that will meet all those goals, but I need some help fine tuning the details.
I have two Blue Dream mothers that can supply me with a couple of dozen clones to experiment on. Im willing to kill off all of them, over several months if need be, getting things dialed in. I have plenty of personal meds to last me until well into next year if needed, so it wont kill me to not have a successful harvest for several months at least.
My main questions still revolve around the design of the root chamber, selection, and placement of nozzles, and a host of smaller questions about various other details. My head is still spinning trying to assimilate it all and Im not even close to getting there yet.
In the next few posts, I’ll put up a couple of crude drawings of my proposed system and how the grow tent will be laid out, and a preliminary parts list. Any and all help, advice, etc will be greatly appreciated.
However, don’t waste your time trying to talk me out of this or suggesting I go back to soil, hempy buckets, or what ever. The technical challenges and details really appeal to me, so I really want to play with this no matter how it turns out in the end
I have been reading a gazillion old posts about HPA and AA systems for the last several days. I am most impressed with Atomizers posts and theories on this subject. There seems to be very few people doing HPA and even fewer still doing AA, and many of them don’t seem to like sharing details, or pics and posts in old threads have been deleted or are unavailable any more. So, its been a lot of searching old posts on several forums, and making lots of notes.
Atomizer has convinced me that an AA system would be ‘best’, but I have decided that I am unwilling to spend the $$ on that - for now.
That’s mainly because it would stretch my budget too much for an experiment that I may not stick with long term. Plus, I really don’t have room for even a small air compressor and aux air tank on top of the other items needed.
Its pretty clear that AA, and to a slightly lesser degree HPA, are not for everyone, and I may end up at the end, deciding that it isn’t for me either. I love almost everything about AA except the initial cost, so that leaves HPA. Even that is going to be difficult to do ‘well’ on my budget.
I’m trying to make the math work on an ‘affordable’ HPA system. So that’s goal #1.
#2 is to produce nice fuzzy aero roots. I don’t want to try this unless I have a reasonable chance to get at least fairly decent, fuzzy aero roots. That assumes I can get it dialed in properly with my equipment choices.
#3 is to not kill them all off if I go out of town for a week at a time. The system needs to be able to run for at least 5 days on its own – once its dialed in. That also assumes no parts failures for those 5 days.
#4 is to have a system I can start seeds and/or clones in and take them all the way to harvest without having to move them.
I 'think' I have an idea for a system that will meet all those goals, but I need some help fine tuning the details.
I have two Blue Dream mothers that can supply me with a couple of dozen clones to experiment on. Im willing to kill off all of them, over several months if need be, getting things dialed in. I have plenty of personal meds to last me until well into next year if needed, so it wont kill me to not have a successful harvest for several months at least.
My main questions still revolve around the design of the root chamber, selection, and placement of nozzles, and a host of smaller questions about various other details. My head is still spinning trying to assimilate it all and Im not even close to getting there yet.
In the next few posts, I’ll put up a couple of crude drawings of my proposed system and how the grow tent will be laid out, and a preliminary parts list. Any and all help, advice, etc will be greatly appreciated.
However, don’t waste your time trying to talk me out of this or suggesting I go back to soil, hempy buckets, or what ever. The technical challenges and details really appeal to me, so I really want to play with this no matter how it turns out in the end