trying to figure out what wrong


it looks a bit like nutrient burn. just use pure water for a while, then if other leaves start to turn you should worry. new growth isnt showing any signs of deficiency, so i believe it is burn, since its at the bottom, working from the tip in.


I think ur exactly right because 2 weeks ago I mixed a sprayer bottle w/ water & put 14 drops of miracle grow liquid houseplant food well I wanted to see if I gave a little neat. Would they grow faster I sprayed that a little more than the others but I only did it to 3 out of 12 the other 2 haven't changed colors but they ate stunted

I have another one my plants have stretch revealed bad & I think I over watered well I have repotted.everything just burried the plants up to those little parachute leaves when I transfer planted some were really soaked well I haven't watered for 2 1/2 to 3 days still looking a lil moist instead of growing taller the leaves are getting bigger but at a very very very slow rate. Are they gonna be OK or did I fuck up to bad


they should be okay. just use a natural soil mixture that has worm castings and stuff, that way you wont have to fertilize much; also, don't fertilize every day. once or twice a week is plenty, also, light is a big factor in stretching. try not to flood the plant either, instead, just make sure the soil is thoroughly moist. if you dont want to get different soil, (you dont have to), just mix the fertilizer at about 1/4 strength, then about a week later you can up the dose. its okay to put less fertilizer then what the package says.

on a different note, i wouldnt use miracle grow. just personally though. general hydroponics has this complete organics box, everything you will need.


Hey magicman I was using miracle grow then I switched to the moisture control miracle grow I'm noticing new foilage at the top so mabey its coming out of the shock