trying to make a list.

un named

Active Member
I have been planning on doings a small indoor grow for atleast a year now but lack of funds and time has stopped me. this is a picture on paint i had just done to give you an idea of what im doing.
its average but yer.

This is where i am at. I have a 400 watt hps i have two fans to circulate the air one 8 inch inline fan which is going to be boxed in to decress noise extension cords with addaptors with enough plugs for everything and some seeds two 5 packs of northan light x haze fem and a bunch of freebies. I'm going to get all my soils nutes and pots at my local nursery so thats coverd. oh and i have a 80x80x1600cm tent payed for waiting on email from seller. ill be getting my ducting themometer hyrometre and timers from a hardware store.
if tent comes i will be buying a fan speed controller a pair of yo yo hangers and digital ph tester pen from the same seller. and i have four 23 watt 6500k clfs with one 50 watt 2700k in the middle thinking about getting a 250watt mh (lights and other growing equipment is illegal in my state) i will get a carbon filter later on in my grow. Sorry for rambling on ill make a quick list of what im getting and what i have AND you guys can fill in the rest im sure im forgetting something.

*400 watt hps
*few cfls for vegging
*8'' inline fan
*circulating fans
*cords and adapters

*fan speed controller
*soils, nutes and pots
*carbon filter
*yo yo hangers
*ph pen with ph up/down
*grow tent

might have forgotten a few things im in bit of a rush. thanks for any feeback.

un named

Active Member
Might add that the tent will be in a garden shed and air will be thrown outside to the carport. still deciding on where fresh air is comming from


Well-Known Member
Might add that the tent will be in a garden shed and air will be thrown outside to the carport. still deciding on where fresh air is comming from

think about temps inside there as well. cold air needs to be thrown in there somehow if its in a shed.

un named

Active Member
It doesn't get as hot as you think in there since most of the day is shaded by trees but will definitely need air from outside in summer comming into winter now and i'll be around the house most days so i can leave the door open. but if this becomes an issue the only way is to cut another hole on other side of shed and fit some ducting will i need another inline fan or will the fan i have be fine bringing it in? cfms are rated as 500. i ill need another fan what size?

this is the fan

also since i dont have the tools to build my mdf box anymore for my fan do you think this will work.

fillings a plastic stoage box with insulation with the fan inside just like you would with the box?