Also, this is just my personal experience w/ making the lifestyle change to all natural products. Ever since I started eating organic only, I have an overall sense of well-being and my body feels more fresh (if that makes sense). My skin used to get dry after taking showers and using Dial soap, now my skin is perfectly fine and smooth. And it wasn't just that brand either. They put chemicals in these non-natural appliances that harm you! It's clearly not needed and yet they do it anyways.
MSG is hysteria. It's just damn salt! Mushrooms, soy, tomaties and yeast etc have it. MSG isn't some NWO reptilian plot to kill you.
Natural and especially artificial flavors are bad. They serve two purposes, to make us all consume what normally would be industrial waste ( waste not, how kind of them!) or to enhance and/or preserve taste. But again it's not some diabolical plot.
You just need to worry about what your fellow citizen wants to do to you. A lefty nut or extreme right nut is way more dangerous. - MSG is very, very bad for you.
So you suggest I stay away from nearly all plants with MSG? Especially non-GMO soy?
So you suggest I stay away from nearly all plants with MSG? Especially non-GMO soy?
whats your brand of soap now? toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, and washing detergent? i need the list of organic products to start buying. i have yet to switch diet because food stamps is a complicated funding system
Lagomorph, that "reference" was unsupported words on a page. Many claims with no references. I could just as easily whip up a dressy webpage decrying the evils of ingested halide ions while providing no backup. Wonder if anyone has done that, hmmmm ... cn
Lagomorph, that "reference" was unsupported words on a page. Many claims with no references. I could just as easily whip up a dressy webpage decrying the evils of ingested halide ions while providing no backup. Wonder if anyone has done that, hmmmm ... cn
You're one of them, just come out and say it. I gave you a very legitimate source in this very thread. Go back and look at the history faq website. Or ignore it and do what you want, it's your life.
I was just curious if the op knew MSG is added to nearly all plants by Gaia herself as a population control plan, is all.
I was just curious if the op knew MSG is added to nearly all plants by Gaia herself as a population control plan, is all.
You gave me Web tripe. Saying it is "very legitimate" does not make it so. I provided criteria for legitimacy. Do you remember them? cn
Well, it appears to have been very effective. There's still just one Gaia. cn
I don't care about your criteria for legitimacy, to be honest.
I don't care about your criteria for legitimacy, to be honest.
Also, this is just my personal experience w/ making the lifestyle change to all natural products. .......snip....... anecdotal nonsense......snip.....
No rebuttal?
I did rebute you. Cn rebutted you. Several others have rebutted you with actual science fact. As you stated you do not care about the difference in sources. You are a zealot and your beliefs have zero to do with any scientific basis.
Therefore replying to you is a waste of time. You have a 'faith' in your beliefs you are not open minded and this 'debate' has zero to do with facts only with you using it as a bully pulpit to preach your anti-science beliefs.
My mamma taught me not to attempt to teach a pig to sing it annoys the pig and frustrates the teacher. So I'm done, bye.