J Jesse043 Member Oct 5, 2010 #1 hello to all, I ran some weed through a tea sifter and the weed came out A light green color did I do something wrong??????????
hello to all, I ran some weed through a tea sifter and the weed came out A light green color did I do something wrong??????????
northernlights Well-Known Member Oct 5, 2010 #2 Thats yor kief its just the thc from the raw bud, best bet is to buy a pollen catching grinder, you wont regret it, with your kief you can make hash or simply add more punch to a bong even bang some in with a spliff.
Thats yor kief its just the thc from the raw bud, best bet is to buy a pollen catching grinder, you wont regret it, with your kief you can make hash or simply add more punch to a bong even bang some in with a spliff.