tucson cops harrasment


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[TD="width: 100%"] A serious crime, characterized under federal law and many state statutes as any offense punishable by death or imprisonment in excess of one year.


uncle sam still opposes mother nature.
For evil to take wind, you must open the door!

If you are impaired you are impaired!! But if you are not impaired you shall not allow for your rights to be walked on!

Need a warrant for the search of my property mate! Unlawful searches happen daily! Knowing the difference is what folks need to know!@!

The smell of marijuana does not give probable cause if MMJ card is presented! I will need to search the caselaws on that one but it exists! They are assuming you are committing a crime oppose to having a presumption of such!

Example> Pulled over. Police smell MJ. You present a MJ card. where does the presumption exist? For a DUI at most - not for the search of your vehicle without consent! Right to property and unlawful search and seizure Even at that! The smell of MJ doesn't mean a person is DUI! It is a shady line to walk for sure! What matters is what the judge says and what you do and say to the police when confronted! In many cases you are OH so true! But that is not the norm if folks were educated about the system what gives the popo their presumption! My theory - if they want to arrest you they are going to arrest you; regardless! The judge is what makes the decisions I will follow! I only promise to appear at the court house Never will a complaint mean I will give up my pursuit of happiness!

Az Statues - Misdemeanor less than 1 year in county jail!
Felony more than 1 year in State Prison Systems!