Tuct tape peeling off of brick any suggestions for a substitute


Active Member
hey been having a hard time with tuct tape peeling off of brick... any suggestions other then tuck tape.... i would prefer not to use silicone glue as it would leacve stain.... any other suggestions??


Active Member
i am having the same problem with tape in my grow. I use the gorilla tape and it doesnt work as well as the aluminum tape.


Active Member
hmmm well that sucks thanks for tell me though prolly saved me a few bucks.. i think the problem here is that ther is hot air venting and this heat heats up the tape and therby peeling it off + birck is grain so the tape isnt really all that well on there from day 1.....

Anyone have a success story to this, i i may just have to go with the silcone glue that shit will stay on like 100% but the brick will be stained.....


Well-Known Member
try the all weather window tape at wally world. It would help to paint the cement.


Well-Known Member
fine then. lol cement is hard to tape to. That nasty two sided caret tape might stick.


Well-Known Member
damn stumps, i really hate shooting you down again but the whole reason he wont use caulk or silicone tape is he doesnt want it to discolor the bricks, painting them defeats that purpose. i think he should just bite the bullet and use the silicon glue personally(this was again in response to the post where you changed it to say paint the brick first, not the one directly above this one you just posted)


Well-Known Member
lol just trying to help that two sided tape might be a pain to get off when done. I'm raking my brain try to find something that would stick. I'm working on a room half dywall half cement. Think I'm going to set a sheet of drywall on the bottom.


Active Member
lol just trying to help that two sided tape might be a pain to get off when done. I'm raking my brain try to find something that would stick. I'm working on a room half dywall half cement. Think I'm going to set a sheet of drywall on the bottom.
whats that 2 sided tape....let me know how the drywall idea works maybe i might have to jimmy something like that too... maybe use cardboard


Well-Known Member
There is a product that they use to apply felt to pool tables, it's a spray glue that will make the wall itself tacky. The duct tape should adhere to that pretty well. If there is a lot of moisture (cement walls can have a lot of moisture) you may have to apply a couple coats. This has worked for me. I have a pool table and had some spray left over from the last time I applied new felt. I tried it and it worked great. I'm sure there's some kind of spray adhesive at the hardware store as well. Good luck and keep us informed of the outcome.:eyesmoke: After you're done with the wall and want it back to normal, just get some "Goof-off", it'll remove the tacky spray from the brick.

Grow on brothers and sisters in hemptitude:weed:mmmmmmm, Ganja good.