Tulsi Gabbard Triggered By Clinton.

John Kerry met with Assad five times, but it never seemed to bother anyone. Tulsi met with him once. Diplomacy is all about being able to meet with your adversaries to work towards a common good.

It might just be a plant by the Russians to tear down a strong woman candidate, but Russians pushing for her is enough to scare me off her. Anything they are pushing is bad news, they are too obvious in their trolling for her. She is an amazing speaker and has a very pleasant presence, but that doesn't make for us knowing what she is all about enough to ignore the attacks currently taking place on our democracy by Russia and hope for the best.

What bothers me most about Tusli is summed up nicely in this video:

She won't answer the question about Putin, then cries fake news running a pure KGB playbook slide by.

The Russians love Tulsi and Tulsi loves going on RT and David Duke thinks she's great, I don't know why anyone doubts that she's a democrat lol.
Not to mention weird religious cults.
It might just be a plant by the Russians to tear down a strong woman candidate, but Russians pushing for her is enough to scare me off her. Anything they are pushing is bad news, they are too obvious in their trolling for her. She is an amazing speaker and has a very pleasant presence, but that doesn't make for us knowing what she is all about enough to ignore the attacks currently taking place on our democracy by Russia and hope for the best.

What bothers me most about Tusli is summed up nicely in this video:

She won't answer the question about Putin, then cries fake news running a pure KGB playbook slide by.

Not to mention weird religious cults.
What Kerry said:

What she said was: yeah well bad things happen in times of war.

WTF, dude, Assad rounded up tens of thousands of people whose only crime was to say something bad about Assad. We don't know how many are dead but only a few have emerged. All of them talk about his torture chambers. There is no middle ground when it comes to treating Assad as a war criminal. Tulsi tried to make it out as an accident of war. She miscast his torture chambers and poison gas attacks as acts of war. Assad targeted hospitals for bombing as an act of terror. These are not excusable mistakes any person caught up in battle makes.
It might just be a plant by the Russians to tear down a strong woman candidate, but Russians pushing for her is enough to scare me off her. Anything they are pushing is bad news, they are too obvious in their trolling for her. She is an amazing speaker and has a very pleasant presence, but that doesn't make for us knowing what she is all about enough to ignore the attacks currently taking place on our democracy by Russia and hope for the best.

What bothers me most about Tusli is summed up nicely in this video:

She won't answer the question about Putin, then cries fake news running a pure KGB playbook slide by.

Not to mention weird religious cults.

Met with Assad and came back defending his war crimes
Defended Russian operations in Syria that bombed allies of the US in Syria
Defended Russian election meddling because it "was no worse than US election meddling in Russia". As if that make it OK.
Oppose the arrest of Julian Assange for hacking into a Pentagon server.

These are all verifiably true statements. She calls them fake news and deflects to the higher purpose of defending the American people. Most telling is how visibly angry she got when the reporter asked her a valid question based upon the facts.

Nah, let Gabbard disappear on some cult ranch in Australia. She doesn't belong anywhere near the levers of power.
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Do you guys also believe this crap about Jill Stein being a Russian asset?

Everything she said about Trump in 2016 turned out to be true, I don't really know anything about Jill Stein, but being an asset just means that the Russians find/found them useful. And that is about right, whoever the Russians could not turn to vote for Trump that generally voted Democrat were targeted and they used candidates like Jill Stein to pull away votes from Hillary who they made shit up about on a epic scale.

Being an asset, doesn't mean a willing asset all of the time. Bernie was used an asset against Hillary too.
I wonder how much Gabbard is going to enjoy Hillary being able to get discovery on her campaign funding now.
Sooooo, the Russian-asset sore loser Gabbard is suing somebody who spoke truth about her.

Fuck her and her handler from that weird-ass cult who was paid many hundreds of thousands from funds taken from Tulsi's campaign donors. She was most definitely a Russian asset who was used by Putin in an attempt to taint the Democratic primary. Perhaps Clinton will counter-sue and grind that bitch down to the point where she flees legal problems in this country and goes back to that weird-ass cult.
Sooooo, the Russian-asset sore loser Gabbard is suing somebody who spoke truth about her.

Fuck her and her handler from that weird-ass cult who was paid many hundreds of thousands from funds taken from Tulsi's campaign donors. She was most definitely a Russian asset who was used by Putin in an attempt to taint the Democratic primary. Perhaps Clinton will counter-sue and grind that bitch down to the point where she flees legal problems in this country and goes back to that weird-ass cult.
You sound delusional, she's a member of the armed forces and yet she's a "Russian asset".

She was next in line to be chair of the DNC, she was Vice-Chair until 2016 when she stepped down, DNC must be fucking lousy at vetting their brass then. Your own arguments eat themselves upon any close observation, it's honestly one of the funniest things to see this level of derangement.
Sooooo, the Russian-asset sore loser Gabbard is suing somebody who spoke truth about her.

Fuck her and her handler from that weird-ass cult who was paid many hundreds of thousands from funds taken from Tulsi's campaign donors. She was most definitely a Russian asset who was used by Putin in an attempt to taint the Democratic primary. Perhaps Clinton will counter-sue and grind that bitch down to the point where she flees legal problems in this country and goes back to that weird-ass cult.
I'm going to laugh when a judge throws out her civil case. I can't believe she went on for so long with her political act. Her family has been a far-right dynasty for generations in Hawaii but there isn't a single one of them with actual Hawaiian descent. I'm going to laugh when gay Hawaiian activists get her voted out too. What a piece of shit.

Everytime I hear her drone on about how she's the only person who has ever understood war and "my brothers and sisters" deployed overseas yada yada yada there has never been a fucking thing she has done that wasn't for political gain and aesthetics. I can't stand that ass hole.
You sound delusional, she's a member of the armed forces and yet she's a "Russian asset".

She was next in line to be chair of the DNC, she was Vice-Chair until 2016 when she stepped down, DNC must be fucking lousy at vetting their brass then. Your own arguments eat themselves upon any close observation, it's honestly one of the funniest things to see this level of derangement.
Tulsi spouting Putin 101:
You sound delusional, she's a member of the armed forces and yet she's a "Russian asset".

She was next in line to be chair of the DNC, she was Vice-Chair until 2016 when she stepped down, DNC must be fucking lousy at vetting their brass then. Your own arguments eat themselves upon any close observation, it's honestly one of the funniest things to see this level of derangement.
Russian propaganda uses her in interviews and cherry-picked videos to make Putin's case again and again. That makes her a Russian asset. That she she never objects to what Putin does or says makes her complicit.

The rest of your post is poor and false logic.
John Kerry met with Assad five times, but it never seemed to bother anyone. Tulsi met with him once. Diplomacy is all about being able to meet with your adversaries to work towards a common good.

That's some awesome logic. Pretty much on par with the Idiot In Chief who today tweeted that Obama withheld aid from several countries and didn't get impeached for it.

Keep posting, you're amazing.

Hillary is a warmonger.

She's also a bitter dried up Prune who's husband, a serial liar and pervert, was very relieved when Epstein was dispatched.

Did Hillary laugh when she was discussing the anal rape with a bayonet of another human being ? Yes she did.

Did Hillary help a known rapist get off, when she was a greasy money grubbing power hungering lawyer ?

The only reason she's not convicted and wearing an ankle bracelet is they don't come in sizes to fit around her kankles.
Seriously, the forum’s chief pedo apologist/ promoter/obfuscater is calling out perverts. Please tell us again how 12 year olds can consent to being raped by adults. Thanks
Seriously, the forum’s chief pedo apologist/ promoter/obfuscater is calling out perverts. Please tell us again how 12 year olds can consent to being raped by adults. Thanks

I know you're not very bright and get confused easily by word meanings and everything, but if a person consents, they aren't being raped are they?