turn hermie

bush basher

Well-Known Member
is there anyway i could turn my plant hermie to produce some seeds?? i'm asking this because i recently bought some seeds from a company and i think they will not deliver (nottingham seed bank) i only have the one plant from some bag seed and its 3 weeks into flower. its looking good. i'll put a link in my sig so you can see my progress.


Active Member
Use Gibberellic Acid on one branch of a female plant to induce male flowers. Gibberellic Acid is sold by nursery supply houses for plant breeding and hybridizing. Spray the plant once every day for 10 days with 100 ppm gibberellic acid. When the male flowers form, pollinate the flowers of your other target female plant you have selected. Just pollinate one branch unless you want lots of seeds!

hope this helps! :mrgreen:


Active Member
oh and one more thing, only spray ONE branch and that branch will produce seeds and no other brach will.