Turned My Little Bro's Room into a Stealth 1st Legit Grow *CFL's


Well-Known Member
I dunno about those nutes but I heard urine is good because it is high in nitrogen or something, you should try it. ;)


Well-Known Member
what the fuck roi guys u letting the side down 1-2 plants wont peng out the house and it always great to grow your own mj stop puttin money in the shit dealers pockets for shite bags and shite weed grow a plant if he does it right and stalthy he should not get caught
go and let grow good luck from all the good vibed members frm roi


Well-Known Member
hahah thanks Josh.. so im going to go get more lights today, im thinking another 43 watt 2700k and a 300 watt cfl or just two 43 watts idk yet.. ill post mo0re pics when im done with that.


Well-Known Member
Pics Pics Pics.. its like Day 9 of flowering 12/12 and still no signs of sex, idk just have this feeling that Easter and other good looking one are both females.. idk what the hell that stretchy ones gonna be thiug



Well-Known Member
I kind of hope your stretched one is a male... so you can get rid of it.... then again, if you put it outside and its female...... you could get a decent harvest from her, ;)......


Well-Known Member
i think thats what im gonna do.. stick it outsde and im downgrading the grow size even more, into a scrog diy pc grow case. i just finished it up tonight and lights are already off but ill take pics in the morning idk how im gonna do the scrog but i'll think of something, and heres a basic pic of the pc case before any fnial adjustments, its just a test-look.



Well-Known Member
whats with the incandescent lights? ya know they dont work right?

and 20 20 20 might not be the best
a little heavy on N get some bloom nutes similar to "Tiger bloom" read up young grasshopper


Well-Known Member
yeah dude i know the incandescent lights dont work.. that was just a pre-look to see how it was all gonna work inside there and so i oculd light tight it all up and install the fans before putting the CFLs in there then the plants.. but thanks for lookin out dude.
so could i get that miracle gro bloom nutrients? its rated at lie 10-18-12 or something like that.


Active Member
Growing w/o consent and in apartments are a couple of the worst case scenarios. I hope you don't get caught mate. Although I have to admit I attempted a pc grow case at my mom's. Her place is on an acre lot in the burbs though with no nosy neighbors. Get yourself some property nigga.


Well-Known Member
this has been an amusing thread. when i started it i couldnt stop laughing, now im glad to see its getting kinda serious. that stretched plant is still pretty amusing though. good luck with your grow


haha crazy thread i just read right through i have only one plant it is my first ever grow i have it on my windowcill in the bedroom i have 2 neighbours that overlook me the funny thing is were best mates they come and check on the plant and tell me when they can smell it out there window my mum knows too she feeds it if i have a crazy weekend so its all good and ive herd the urine thing a couple of times is that really true


Well-Known Member
pics of the case.. its about 95% complete.. i just need to finish the scrog screen. its a little time consuming but i'll be done with it soon though.. i think i might have either shocked or will end up killing the plants because i took them out of the cups and put them into little tuberware containers and i lost some roots during this process.. we took the stretched one and put it in the ground outside guess we'll see how that one does as well..



Well-Known Member
im thinking we could burry it all the way up to where the top cola would be at ya know?.. like leave only 4-6 inches out of the ground and burry the other 20.. wouldnt the stem start growing more roots off of itself after a while? just a thought.


Well-Known Member
i just find it wierd that your parents house and your freinds apartment have the exact same carpet and trim... but besides that , what a joke this grow is


Well-Known Member
no offence to the design as i have used em before but never found a good use for the pc boxes there just far to small i just ended up never using it