Turning my frown, upside down - Sadface's first grow - CFL


New Member
oh hell yes they are loaded with everything you need.

the only organic thing there is the big bloom, and it has everything you need in it all in one. just read the ingredient list.

tiger bloom has even more than what you need, but its a full synethic (which i dont like)

you could soar by with just big bloom. purple stems dont always indicate an issue. they are really purple when theyre young.

i use a 2-2-2 feed with no micronute claims, and i dont need any extra supplements. fish emulsion has every single macro and micronute youd ever need.


"Since fish emulsion is naturally derived, it is considered an organic fertilizer appropriate for use in organic horticulture. In addition to having a typical N-P-K analysis of 5-2-2, fish emulsion adds micronutrients.[SUP][1][/SUP]"


Active Member
Hi Guys,

I do not have the time to do 2 full updates each week, so will be dropping down to one until I decide exactly what I want to do.

either way got good news

1. Should be harvesting Aliyha next week at some point
2. Have a 240W blackstar led light coming in the mail Tuesday (more like 150w actual draw), which i think Zhara will love! It is more wattage then what either plant was getting alone as well as being specced for flowering should hopefully make the buds nice and dense!
3. Have light stand coming, so can move my DIY reflector out of tent and to veg area
4. started to germ 2 more seeds, OG Kush (free seed) and Critical + 2.0 auto. Will be doing some training next grow, time to tie some shit down!!!!! Think I waited too long to germ for proper perpetual but will fix it with 3rd grow.

Now for pics and update :)

Side by Side

sidebyside.jpgZhara top.jpg

Zhara coming in real strong, but since this was my control grow I did not training. I think this is going to cause penetration problems for my cfls since bud sites are far from each other. Aliyha is a lazy fat bitch who just eats and eats and eats, I will euthanize her next week! you will see why later.

Zhara filling out nicely!

Zhara bud.jpgZharastem.jpg

While bud site are smaller then Aliyha at say 47, I think she is going to go A LOT longer. She looks a thousand times healthier then Aliyha at the same point. Also B.Real you may of been right, I fed her 50% big bloom and it look like she got very very minor nute burn. So either 50% was too much, or the spots were from overabundance of cal/mag. Either way new growth does not have spots, so think she is okay. I just fed her straight water, and she will get smaller dose next feed! Thanks again man! :)

Aliyha pics
Aliyha newgrowth.jpgaliyha top.jpgAliyhastem.jpgmiddle of Aliyha.jpg

Pic 1: New bud site, see how the leaves are yellowing. They were a perfect green 2 days ago, she is really eating up the nutes hard. From my understanding a sign of being close to harvest
Pic 2: Main Colo shot, does not seem to be getting larger. Just frostier!
Pic 3: That's the stem, cant really see if because the bud sites go all the way down to the soil
Pic 4: That is about 3 inches up on the plant. SOO green and healthy all newer growth.

Trichrome pics:

New growth close up.jpgTop bud site close up.jpg

Sorry for quality of pics, taking pics through the loupe was impossible. I used am andriod app to take these, a little out of focus but you can see the trichromes at 40x and it was free! So as of yesterday I didnt see any amber, but I made a post in the harvesting forum and people said look harder. That I did, and we got amber trichromes. I want a few more but I think I will be chopping next week.

I may be harvesting slightly early, but I want this is also an 2 fold experiment for me. Since I am growing 2 of the same strain I kind of have a control in the forms of Zhara. So with Alyiha I will not be doing a "pre harvest flush" and will be harvesting at about 10 - 20% amber trichromes. With Zhara I will do a "pre harvest flush" and will let it go to about 40% - 50% amber.

Let me know your thoughts as always would love to hear them. Thanks for watching!

- Face


Well-Known Member
Nice job by you, BUT, CFLs have issues that include l/w and efficiency + they contain mercury. They must be disposed of via hazmat.

I switched to led globes 2 grows back, for both veg AND flower. Now moving to LED tubes for overhead using the LED globes as under canopy lighting

Clones were grown under 1-2 led globes (note liter btl in upper left background) Second pic is the smaller 2 clones, now under 4 @ 23w led tubes over canopy + under is 22w + 17w warm white globes

View attachment 2727094IMG_1480.jpg


Active Member
Nice job by you, BUT, CFLs have issues that include l/w and efficiency + they contain mercury. They must be disposed of via hazmat.

I switched to led globes 2 grows back, for both veg AND flower. Now moving to LED tubes for overhead using the LED globes as under canopy lighting

Clones were grown under 1-2 led globes (note liter btl in upper left background) Second pic is the smaller 2 clones, now under 4 @ 23w led tubes over canopy + under is 22w + 17w warm white globes

View attachment 2727094View attachment 2727095
Yep I am with you, I've been peaking your posts on the LED forum (thanks for stopping by!). Got blackstar LED panel coming in mail, I know it is budget panel but with how fast the tech is changing didnt want to go all out right now. For veg, I will be slowly converting my DIY reflector into a LED bulb/induction reflector so will be going away from the CFLs for some of the reasons you stated.

Plan was to replace the CFLs in the DIY reflector with the below for 1 plant.

1x http://www.1000bulbs.com/product/59159/PDC-P30060.html
2x http://www.1000bulbs.com/product/91141/LED-BR3027WHSP.html

Doing all these changes slowly so I dont take a wallet hit all at once!

Thanks for stopping by!


Well-Known Member
Cool, another lurker exposed :clap:

The small induction light is very interesting, but how effective is it 2ft from center? Globe leds are mostly point source, which is fine for veg/clone & supplemental (under canopy) lighting.

You can get 2 @ 23w tubes + fixture ~ $85: you do have to retro fit to accommodate led wiring. Tubes (2 or 4ft) provide equal light penetration across their length x ~ 8". Later you can duplicate, doubling the coverage and watts


Well-Known Member
akr is a very strong smoke i grew it outdoor last year real diff looking though ...... cfls are the best for start growers i used them all the time when i was living in new zealand :) but ive seen indoor grows and how much plants especially autos love a lovely warm hps :) lol looking good though bro


Well-Known Member
It's amazing how programmed people become.

LED globes blow the doors off CFLs, which are environmental hazards waiting to happen.

My last grow I went from seeds to midflower using only LED globes. In the end I added a ufo 90 R/B but only because I was using a new breeders seeds and wanted to show his plants in the most light I had on hand. This grow is her clones under only NW + WW LED tubes + 2 globes under canopy.

LED tubes are the same $$$, but give much broader even coverage

Drop into my thread to see the show. Lots of pics


Active Member
Dont have time for full update, but here is a picture dump.

Real quick, Pet you have me all super paranoid LOL! I took down my CFLs and one broke, freaked out about the mercury. don't worry I properly diposed of it, I looked up how on google. But before wouldnt have thought twice! Either way LED up and running, will set up veg station for next set of plants this weekend. But need them to sprout!



Well-Known Member
Well if it broke you inhaled some mercury vapors, and even some is waaaaaaay too much.

Take Super Green Algae (liquid or pill) for ~ 7 days. Good to take anyway


Active Member
Well if it broke you inhaled some mercury vapors, and even some is waaaaaaay too much.

Take Super Green Algae (liquid or pill) for ~ 7 days. Good to take anyway
mmm, ill pick some up.

Critical + 2.0 seed cracked in 12 hours in water, put in paper towel 12 hours later tap root was a whopping 1.5 inches. I put in 3 gallon pot with a fear it grew too quickly and root was exposed too long. But it is peaking though soil today. STRONG mother f'er in my opinion, germination and sprout in less then 48 hours.

As for the OG Kush, seed has not even cracked. Spent 24 hours in water, it sank to bottom and has been in damp paper towel since. I started to germ another critical +2.0 seed just in case it doesn't pop. The OG Kush was a one of those "free" seeds they throw at you when you order, I assume they are not of the best quality. Yes i know it can take up to 10 days to crack, but i'm impatient! lol.

2nd grow will be in a new journal :)


Well-Known Member
whoa man, gratz on your seedlings :) so far all of my seeds sprouted, however none of them managed to get 1.5 inches tap root in 24 hours from dropping into water and 48 hours breaking the surface.. usually it was like 36-48 to germ, and another 48 to push cotyledons through the soil.. so yeah, those do look like they're in a hurry haha


Active Member
whoa man, gratz on your seedlings :) so far all of my seeds sprouted, however none of them managed to get 1.5 inches tap root in 24 hours from dropping into water and 48 hours breaking the surface.. usually it was like 36-48 to germ, and another 48 to push cotyledons through the soil.. so yeah, those do look like they're in a hurry haha
yeah I am amazed!

OG Kush still hasn't popped (5 days now...), but 36 hours ago I put another critical + 2.0 same method and it had a minute tap root (what I was expecting from last one). So that last seed was special, im expecting the 2nd one to take a bit.

Next grow I will also experiment with autos, as I will transplant one and not the other. want to see if the stuff about transplanting autos is true or now! They will be tied down and topped as well. Last auto-flowering I think I will grow (although I do have 1 more AKR seed).


Active Member
Hey guys, so yesterday I harvested half of Aliyha (AKR#1), she was about 30% amber on the main cola and some of the side buds. Chopped and trimmed in tent and moved light out so I could hang in there. I did not want to smell up my town home complex.

Here are some pics of them hanging, i'm not happy about hanging in the tent as it is not the right atmosphere. It is 72 degrees and 45% humidity. I think it is drying them too fast, so I may move to jars early. I tried to cool tent with a pot of water with a shit ton of ice. didn't really do much. Either way here are pics of the buds and what the plant looks like now. She is now a short stocky little bitch, but is looking sexy as hell. Had no idea I was a chubby chaser!

Alyiha headcut off.jpgAlyiyha left overs.jpgDrying all.jpgDrying size.jpg

Here are some trichrome shots of the lower buds, you can see why I didnt chop all of here at once. Mostly all cloudly with VERY little amber.

amber (2).jpgamber.jpgnot Ready.jpgnotready2.jpg

For Zhara, I fed her 40% nutes 4 days ago. I noticed that she yellowed out really hard on the top, I thought was the new LED so raised them. Then I noticed the copper spots spreading like hell and some burned points, so decided it was nute burn so flushed it 2 days ago. Here are pics from today, she is still filling out but not looking so healthy.

nute overdose.jpgSide bud.jpgZhara colo.jpgZhara Stem.jpgZhara top.jpgZhara.jpg

Oh and the 2 new sproutlings, last time I talk about 2nd grow in this journal though. round 2 coming up next!


OG Kush never popped while the 2nd Critical +2.0 popped in about 48 hours. Soooo Day 3 and Day 1 from sprout, lets start the experiment. They will be treated exactly the same besides from one that will be transplanted.

Also new temporary setup while i'm drying. When I am done drying LED will go back in tent and CFL reflector will be hung for veg until I get LED T5s.


Thanks for watching

- Face


Active Member
Hi all quick Wednesday update!

Starting with Aliyha who was half harvested. I made a drying box as my tent was getting too hot (wife turned off central AC during the day...). So while I was able to slow the dry down with the box slightly it was still way to fast, 3 and half days I had to jar up the buds and they were at a 70% RH when I woke this morning. So will burp jar every 12 hours for about 30 to 60 mins.

The half that is till on the plant is still growing vigorously under the LED, so I think will go at least another week or 2. Barely any amber trichrome on the bottom growth where the buds i harvested were around 20% amber


So I fed Zhara a while go and saw the brown spots spread, so decided to flush. I thought you had to flush with twice your normal watering amount so I watered 2 gallons, now I know i misread its 2 times the growing medium. so I need to water 6 gallons to get a good flush. So looks like I will be buying spring water as dont have enough containers to declorinate 6 gallons of water lol!

not looking so healthy, but bud still growing so that is good news.


kk off to work!

Thanks for watching

- Face


Active Member
Good morning my fellow RIU members!

While I havn't started a journal for them yet thought I would share some pics from the critical + 2.0 experiment I have going on. Again have 2 of the same strain autos and plan to start one in the finishing pot and transplant the other to see how it impacts yield. Both will be LST'd and topped. 3G is what I am calling the non transplanted one and the other is called 1P (I am un-creative, 3 gallon and 1 pint... its their starting pot sizes lol). already the experiment is ruined lol, 3G is being akward and 1P decided to fall down yesterday...

3G at 10 days,
only grew 1 leaf on 2nd set..

Woke up to this... so transplanted into same pot
2-8a.jpg 2-8b.jpg

Thought was funny, so decided to share. Now for the real update!

Aliyha - half harvest is now in curing jars sitting at a 62% RH, it hung dryed too fast but next harvest have the solution which should fix it. Weed had a slight hay smell when it was put in jars, after 3 days curing it now smells nice (hard to describe). Yesterday I took very small nug out of the jar and let it sit for about 3 hours and we smoked it. Was a nice combination between head high and body, and had a very peppery initial tasted followed by a spicy yet fruity aftertaste. First half of the harvest totaled 14 grams dry (do they lose more weight in jars?). I am expecting to get about another 7 - 10 grams of weed from the rest of the plant, so close to an ounce of the plant (my goal was 1 ounce from 2 plants). So I am beyond happy with the plant for how bad I did growing it lol.

Pics of the half butchered bitch!

Still putting on the weight in buds, thanks to the new LED
Aliyha bud 2.jpgAliyha innards.jpgAliyhabud1.jpg

Wanted to chop the rest this weekend, decided to wait until next to make sure have no clear tris left.
aliyha Chromes.jpg

Zhara - Stressing me so fucking much. I dont know what the fuck is going on. Thought was ph lock out, its not. I test ph every watering and that soil is buffered so well it I am confident soil PH is not the problem. Thought it was nute def so fed at 50% nutes, she started to get worse. So flushed, but flushed incorrectly... So flushed again properly. All pics are from today 3 days after the "proper flush" symptoms appear worse as I had 1 colo looking a perfect prior to flush and now symptoms spread to that part of the plant. That being said all growth in the innards looks very healthy and green

She will need watering in 2 days from the weight of the pot, so I plan on feeding with 25% nutes to see what that does. Please please please, tell me if you think that is a mistake. kk picture time.

Main colo, frost but ugly
Zhara main colo.jpg
Top shot, so yellow :(
Zharatop.jpgZhara Side bud site.jpgZhara innards.jpg
innards very green
Zhara side budfrost.jpgZhara innards 2.jpg

Also took some chrom shots of Zhara to see how she was coming along

So fucking frosty, 2 - 3x amount of chromes then Zhara

Zhara chromes mag.jpg
Closer shot Nice and cloudy no amber at least 3-4 weeks left imo
Zhara chromes.jpg

Thats it, still playing around with my update format (captions this time). Any feedback on updates or grow is appreciated. Advice on how I stop being stupid is also appreciated, as I am always looking to learn.

Thanks for watching!

- Face


Well-Known Member
well I stopped phing my soil and was watering with a tap water which has like 8.5 ph and never had any problems and did not see any difference between phing and leaving as it is. pH problems is such a rare thing to have in soil/soilless grows... As well as to have P deficiency growing indoors.

Also about harvesting window.. it's not "5-10% whaterver amber and the rest cloudy" you are looking for. Its peak potency is when there's like 20-30% of cloudy, the rest is clear. Cloudy means passed the peak potency, amber THC degraded into CBN. Here's the article on that. But thats for sativa dom strains where people are looking getting high, not stoned. Those who prefer indica headbangs and couchloks and sleepy effect, prob goes for more amber, since CBN gives you sleepy effect..
also that goes with capitate stalked resin glands(trichs) and calyxes swollen.
But there are so many opinions over here, with everyone who agrees there's two who disagrees so your call man :wink:
Just wanted to share things I've learned..