Tutorial to Growing with Cfl's

For the autoflowering method, if I was using a space with these measurements: Width: 31 1/2" Depth: 18 7/8" Height: 48 3/8", what type of cfl wattage should I be running? and do I need to swith from 6500k to 2700k anytime during its growth?
ok right now i got 14- 16oz cups under 2-32w 6500k bulbs. was thinking of buying 2-2' t-5 shoplights and placing them vertically on the sides of the plants and placing 4-23w 2700k clfs hanging from the top......... ? wold this be enough light for wen i swtich to 12/12 not too sure what to get for the 2-2' shop lights on the sides ? any and all advise would be appreciated.........
OMD this had provided me with so much info on CFL lights that i've been trying to find for ages. Thanks a lot for sharing this mate.
I'm sitting here reading this thread and trying to figure out why everyone is growing in these small and smaller spaces? Are you kids trying to hide it form your parents?
My flower room alone is 10' X 16'
I'm reading this to see if I might add some CFL to supplement the 6-1000w in some of the light spots that are not getting as much light as I would like.
just finished reading last 67 pages and learned alot about cfls.

I know what spec and watt i should be using but unfortinuatly I got all my bulbs for free and didnt really have a say in it.

2 - 24w 4000k
3 - 14w 2700k
1 - 14w ????? says ''daylight''
1 - f18w T8

I plan on getting a few more higher watt 27k and some 65k in the future...about 2 weeks maybe.
my question is: untill i get those other lights will the set up that i have goodenough for now and how long do you think i can get away with it?? thanks! im still tryin to get a hang on the indoor thing, outside is so much easier for me.
can i flower with out 2700k? or do they need them to start flowering my plants have are already been on 12/12 for 7days and still nothing when will they show flowers or do they need 2700s?
Noob here askking Noob ?s....Sooooo can I use any CFL for growing...Does it have to be the garden variety of CFL that I see at the Ace Hardware online or can it be any CFL? Sorry if its been asked but I honestly did look for the answer on here and GC first....
Even though this thread is a great source of info on the CFL it really isnt a tutorial on how to grow with them.

With CFL's you need to adjust the light almost daily. The reason being is that if you have the plant too close to the light, it will stay small and stocky. If you have it too far, it will suffer from elongation (which one of my plants April has, check my first CFL grow). Now if you are looking for a small stocky plant, then keep the light close; about 2 inches away. I can't see any practical reason to have a plant become elongated. Reason being is that if a plant gets too elongated it will eventually get too long and slinky and weakly topple over from the weight.

About 2-4 inches is about right.

Now it depends how many plants your growing, but for vegetative growth I would reccomend atleast 144W for a few plants. Now at the begining if your budget is low you can get away with low wattage. Example for the first week I used only 30watts. But now on the 18th day of veg I have 74watts. Lumens is also impodant. You want ATLEAST 5300 for veging, the more the better. When you begin to flower you want below that or atleast a 25% decrease.

Idk, thats about all I can think up off the top of my head that I think is impordant. The rest is really up too you I can't really tell you how to grow your garden as where everyone has there own method. But these are deffinedly key factors to keep in mind.
what are you babbling about. you want ATLEAST 5300 for vegging why the hell would u want less for flowering? you like your buds thin and whispy. are you 10 bro? if so ur prolly too young for thsi type of forum come back in about 8 years when your mature enough to not disseminate falsehood about things you can barely grasp at your intelligence level. good day sir. and by the by, your grammar is atrocious i wouldn't be commenting on anyone else's lack thereof.
um im not sure what ur asking but if ur 80mg and i think you are, why the need for 2 accounts? u stated as follows: "Lumens is also impodant. You want ATLEAST 5300 for veging, the more the better. When you begin to flower you want below that or atleast a 25% decrease. " this is what u said, regardless of waht u meant u said what i quoted you saying that. very misleading, and i think your lieing, u say i meant aiming for higher cct rating but cct isnt rated in lumens its rated in kelvins, but you werent talking about kelvins, you were talking about lumens and now ur covering ur mistake, instead of spreading falsehood and posting almost 500 posts (on ur 80mg username) of erroneous information, why not sit down, read, and not lead anyone astray with your asininity
Good guide but some things are wrong. Firstly, the only true thing on those labels is lumens. Shortly, I can say I've seen a 55W CFL which gives 4000 lumens, and a 72W with 4100 lumens(both said to give 550W equal). I tested and saw that they give the same light. That's because there are some standards about CFL's. I'll only tell the standards developed after T4 spirals. There is half spiral, single spiral(we don't need this type) and full spiral. Also there are wider or narrower spiral formats between brands. The best is full spiral and the widest of the brands available. Also thin and more spiral numbers help. These are the 3 things you need to know before you buy a cfl, in importance order. Go to a store with different enough cfl's available and test them there, you'll see.
I've decided CFLs are the way to go at the moment, so am really grateful for this thread and all the helpful extra input :-P

Complete newbie here, so sorry if these questions have already been answered, I've read about 20 pages but not everything yet. Please be patient with me!

I'm looking at visting a grow shop next week, and they advertise 125W blue and red lights, but don't list the lumens online. I'm guessing they should be in the right ballpark as it's a grow shop right? Of course I'll check when I get there, but it's quite a trek so want to be prepared, anything else I should bear in mind?

I'm considering a small cab stealth, so thinking about just the light with lampholder plus lead, which can be suspended. I'm also looking at this if it doesn't take up too much room (like I say it's a small stealth cab I'm thinking of, not much taller than a PC case):

