Tweed Federally Licenced Canadian Cannabis Producer


Well-Known Member
That's unreal slum. I'd be embarrassed to hand somebody a bag of that. Maybe for a hash run
between 5-12$ per gram with free shipping. They most likely only have to sell 2000-2500 lbs a year to break even on over head. Who knows, but I hope they go out of business.


Well-Known Member
been theorized that they were attempting to keep up with initial demand and prematurely delivered the first run. they'll still make wheelbarrows of moolah w 'fluff lite' in fancy jars stamped with dumbass names of their knock-offs. Wales
The guy who posted the pictures said he could not smell anything at all when he opened the jar.

This was in the same thread

Gamma irradiation is a controversial decontamination technique that has never been studied for safety in smoked or inhaled products anywhere in the world," CSA wrote in its letter. "Although it effectively destroys most bacteria, it does not destroy viruses or mycotoxins, and is often used to cover up biological contamination resulting from poor production, processing or handling practices. One of the bi-products of gamma irradiation is the production of Unique Radiolytic Products, which are a new class of chemicals resulting from irradiations that are not otherwise found in nature. Of significance in the gamma irradiation of whole plant cannabis is the potential production of cyclobutanones, which are toxic, carcinogenic chemicals that form when fats are subjected to gamma irradiation, and which have been directly linked to the development of colon cancer in rats. In addition, gamma irradiation has been shown to destroy terpenes like myrcene and linalool, which have known therapeutic properties and are found in high concentrations in some strains of whole-plant cannabis

tiger mt.

Well-Known Member
Remo (Urban Grower) visits Tweed, one of Canada's new corporate caregivers. It's a giant chocolate factory that has been turned into one of the largest Canadian Licensed Cannabis Producers. I'm no fan of corporate caregivers, but that facility is incredible :-o

Thanks for posting the vid. Not impressed.. Remarkably amateurish for a multi million dollar operation. Why didn't these idiots build out a commercial greenhouse instead of this glorified garage grow? As far as the personal goes, I'm not sure I'd hire that guy to mow my lawn let alone conduct a large scale grow.


Well-Known Member
Inside Canada's new corporate weed system (VICE):

Vice shows Tweed now in full swing. An update to Remo's video tour that started this thread that was prior to Tweed's run in with the law/RCMP seizure.

Note the Vice reporter (Damian Abraham) dawns protective attire while already in Tweed's grow room (4:50), where as MedReleaf required it prior to even entering the hallway :confused: I assume MedReleaf offers a better value to Canadian patients and no criminal record to boot :bigjoint: