Twentyeight.threefive's Grow Journal - 2nd grow

Day 15 - 3/15/2020

So haven't found anything new on the yellow sticky traps, so that's great news. All the plants look relatively good right now, but the coloring on WT #2 is just slightly off maybe like it's a little hungry. Coco is starting to dry out so it'll be time for a little more water. Not sure if I'm going to try to water slightly less so that they can get water slightly more often. It's been 2 days since last water so I think I'm good around the 1-2 day water window right now?

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The rest of the pots are drying up and will be watered in the morning. Figured they'd have a little more time to dry up and it'd be better to water with start of lights on for them.

Re-calibrated the pH pen with 7.0 and 4.0 solution. It was off by 0.1 which is pretty good considering it's limited used recently. I haven't calibrated it in over a month. So they will have some fresh water in the morning. I'll up the CalMag to 3-5ml for 5 gal per the chart.

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Wondering if RH swings would affect the plants also. When I get home from work the in-tent humidifier is empty, it's constantly running now. I upped the RH top limit to 60% and I think I saw it hit 55% last night. I read an old post from curious2garden and in it he was talking about VPD and shared a great chart. Less transpiration for young plants so for my temp and humidity level in the green is around 60% on the low green end. This allows it to stay in the green at night when the temps drop. At least that's the plan anyways! :eyesmoke:

Anyways the WT #2 isn't looking as well as it could. Checked the coco's pH and it was 6.6 so on the next water I'm going to pH at 5.8
I'd like the coco 6.5 or under.

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WT #2

WT2_3_16_2020 (2).jpg
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Day 17 - 3/17/2020

Top dressed all the pots with a sprinkle of bat guano for an infusion of nitrogen. Watered that in with de-chlorinated tap water at a pH of 6.0
Hope the coco pH drops a little from that. Still have serious concerns over my tap water. Wish I had an RO setup.


WT #2

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Day 18 - 3/18/2020

Just comparing the WT #2 from last night to this morning it seems like it definitely got bigger. Really hope the nitrogen boost puts them into overdrive. It's hard not to fall in love with the largest of the gang. :weed: Looks like CG #1 is going to try to catch up to it too!


WT2_3_18_2020 (2).jpg WT2_3_18_2020.jpg

PS: I just found out how to show some pictures as full and others as thumbnails. Ya I know I'm slow :dunce:
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Exciting afternoon in the grow project! At least I'm all excited. I ordered a TDS/EC pen because I wanted to know what my tap water was in ppm. After de-chlorination I measured plain water at 38 ppm. My other bucket had previously been pHed down to 6.0 and had CalMag added. The CalMag had that bucket at 248 ppm.

Plants were also ready for water, at least all of them except NL #1 and OG #2 on the right. So those first four excluding the right side ones were watered at a pH of 5.8.

WT #1 and WT #2 were topped. Well WT #2 was and the mutant growth on WT #1 was removed.

Also wanted to get heavier variable air on the plant tops to help develop strong stems. The oscillating fan that was at the top of the tent circulating air was moved to the floor. This gives intermittent stronger wind on them. The constant fan I just moved off to the side and turned that off for now.

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WT2_3_18_2020 (4).jpg WT1_3_18_2020.jpg
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Day 19 - 3/19/2020

The world is going crazy still but my girls have no idea. They are safe and sound in their little tent. WT #1 started overlapping WT #1 so I put down another saucer tray and spread them all out so they'd have more room. I think they are going to love the oscillating fan.

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More changes! (for the better I hope)

Raised the drip trays and the pots up on the risers I used last grow. Just in case the tent floor was too cold for them. It's on carpet which is pretty thick, shouldn't be too bad. Re-adjusted the lights to just about 32" with the added drip trays.

Man I think they are looking good. A bunch needed a little drink so 6.2 is what was in the bucket and they drank that. CG #2 didn't really need any yet. WT #2 is a pig so far and I love it.

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Absolutely pumped right now! :bigjoint:It was time for a humidifier refill after work, but I also checked the pots. All of them were all set on water but checked the bottoms. All but the youngest had roots ready to come out! Think I'll transplant them later tonight, after I get some stuff done.

Just stoked that they are all feeling healthy now!

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Phew...transplant is complete for all 6! CG #2 is definitely younger than the first ones and may have not been completely ready, but this was an all or nothing event. Probably will have a lot of photos in this post so they'll all be thumbnails.

Measured out what I thought I had counted enough for six 1 gal pots. I ended up short and had to mix up more coco for the last pot. NL #1 is the new mix winner. This is just the coco I thought was enough for six 1 gal pots.
transplant_3_20_2020 (2).jpg

Mother Earth coco coir with perlite and for organic fertilizers it's Dr. Earth 4-4-4. Added 24 tbsp (4 tbsp / gal) into 6 gal of coco. Also added into the mix was 1 cup of worm castings.
transplant_3_20_2020 (3).jpg

I probably should have saved my favorite plant (don't tell them I have a favorite, I love them all equally-shhh) for not the first transplant attempt ever...but all went smooth. TONS of root growth which I was delighted to see.
transplant_3_20_2020 (5).jpg ... and into it's home it went... transplant_3_20_2020 (4).jpgwith the finished product ... transplant_3_20_2020 (6).jpg

White Thunder #1 was the next in line... transplant_3_20_2020 (7).jpg

To perform the transplant for each, I was filling the new 1 gal fabric pots with about 3/4 full of the coco mix. I placed an empty starter pot in the coco and filled more in around the edges... transplant_3_20_2020 (9).jpg ... when removed, it left the perfect spot for a new home for the transplant... transplant_3_20_2020 (10).jpg

Cherry Grapefruit #1 also had some gorgeous root growth... transplant_3_20_2020 (12).jpg

The finished group watered and hopefully happy!

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Day 21 - 3/21/2020

Man. Woke up with the worst headache and then it clicked why. I did all the work last night and didn't have glasses on to protect my eyes while in the tent. It's fine to do for short periods, but anytime you look at that intense of a light you should wear protection.

Overall don't see any signs of transplant shock yet, which is good. Wow I forgot how smelly organic fertilizers are lmao. Smells like a cow took a shit in my tent. :lol:


Checked the temp/RH meter inside the tent which holds the past high and lows. Temps were 73-77 and RH 43%-73%. I think that meter might be a little of. Currently showing about 5% difference from the Inkbird humidity controller, so maybe 38%-68%. In any case I backed the humidity off just a tiny bit and set the max to 58% RH. I'm sure new wet pots are helping hold the humidity levels inside the tent.

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Day 22 - 3/22/2020

Daily maintenance complete. Refilled the humidifier and checked in on the plants. Pots still heavy enough not to need water yet.

I noticed the leaves starting to taco up. This led me to check the soil pH because of my curiosity and to know if there was an issue. After waiting quite a bit it finally settled at a reading of 5.8. Initially it read 6.2 so I'm glad I waited long enough to get the accurate reading.

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So pH seems fine. Then it dawned on me and don't know why I didn't think of it! After transplanting the plants tops level are much higher going from starter pots to 1 gal fabric pots. I forgot to reset the lights to compensate for the new pots. So I'm figuring this is just a case of me being new. First transplant, first error with that. :dunce: Lights were reset to where they were before.

Light to canopy top: ~30 inches above the tops
Temperatures: 72 F-77 F
RH: 45-73


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Plant closeups ordered as they sit:

WT2: WT2_3_22_2020.jpg CG2: CG2_3_22_2020.jpg OG2: OG2_3_22_2020.jpg

WT1: WT1_3_22_2020.jpg CG1: CG1_3_22_2020.jpg NL1: NL1_3_22_2020.jpg
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Day 23 - 3/23/2020

Everyone was light and thirsty this morning! All watered at 6.0 pH and almost to runoff. NL #1 got slightly more and had a tiny bit of runoff from the bottom of the pot. I can't believe how much water they took, on my first grow I had to have been underwatering them like crazy. These 1 gal fabric pots took almost exactly half the small 56 oz watering can. So just about 28oz or 1/4 gal of water.


WT2: WT2_3_23_2020.jpg CG2: CG2_3_23_2020.jpg OG2: OG2_3_23_2020.jpg

WT1: WT1_3_23_2020.jpg CG1: CG1_3_23_2020.jpg NL1: NL1_3_23_2020.jpg
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I don't remember refilling the humidifier twice a day on my first grow... lol Must be because it was slightly more humid in October when they were young last time.

Looks like some older leafs are starting to show a deficiency. Looks like Nitrogen deficiency so I'll be be top dressing with bat guano on the next watering.

3 more plants got topped today! CG1, OG2, and NL1. CG2 still is too small current new growth will be topped once it's slightly larger.

CG1 pretopping:


CG1 topped:


CG1 closeup:

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Day 24 - 3/24/2020

Good morning if you are reading this I hope all is well and healthy with yourself and your loved ones. The governor of Massachusetts has shut down all non-essential businesses and critical workers. I happen to qualify as critical but have the day off. The highway traffic before this was already down probably 50%-60%. It's going to be interesting to see what it looks like on Wednesday.

Anyways, the girls aren't thirsty yet so the but guano amendment will have to wait until tomorrow if they are ready.

WT2 had some giant lower leaves. They wanted to be at the top of the plant and were blocking the new lower growth. I showed them their place and gently tucked them lower than the new leaves.

WT2 before tuck:


WT2 tucked:

WT2_3_24_2020 (2).jpg

I think it's going to make for some quick new growth.

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WT2: WT2_3_24_2020 (2).jpg CG2: CG2_3_24_2020.jpg OG2: OG2_3_24_2020.jpg

WT1: WT1_3_24_2020.jpg CG1: CG1_3_24_2020.jpg NL1: NL1_3_24_2020.jpg
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Day 25 - 3/25/2020

They were all ready for water this morning so they finally got their bat guano and 5.8 pH water.

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WT2: WT2_3_25_2020 (5).jpg CG2: CG2_3_25_2020.jpg OG2: OG2_3_25_2020.jpg

WT1: WT1_3_25_2020 (4).jpg CG1: CG1_3_25_2020.jpg NL1: NL1_3_25_2020 (2).jpg

White Thunder #1 was the mutant and continues to have weird but cool growth. Where the initial first set of fan leaves should form it is instead growing tops.

WT1_3_25_2020 (2).jpg


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COVID-19 has closed down most of the state, but great luck today! Found a local grow shop that was still doing online ordering and curbside delivery! Picked up some Canna coco and worm castings which will be needed for the next transplant to 3 gal. It was half the price as from Amazon. I probably should have ordered more 4-4-4 fertilizer as it's getting low, oh well.


Started a little LST on the only two plants that would benefit from it right now. CG#1 and NL#1 are pulled towards the tent opening.

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Day 26 - 3/26/2020

Posted a thread asking about knowing when to transplant. Still a lot of things I don't know or that are new to me so it won't hurt to ask for help from experienced growers. I thought I read somewhere that when the leaves grow past the edges of the pot it's time to transplant. If that's the case, then after only 5 days they are ready.


WT2: WT2_3_26_2020.jpg CG2: CG2_3_26_2020.jpg OG2: OG2_3_26_2020.jpg

WT1: WT1_3_26_2020.jpg CG1: CG1_3_26_2020.jpg NL1: NL1_3_26_2020.jpg
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