twist up a spliff for my dad?


New Member
he's always been open about weed (knows I smoke)...and last night we shared a lengthy convo about medical pot. He seemed to be quite educated on the subject.

Today, he woke up feeling full-blown flu-like symptoms that began yesterday. Whaddya think....should I offer him some of my stash? :joint:

we'll see how the day goes/how he feels lol
in my limited knowledge of MMJ i would say that it would not do him any good, apart from being stoned. if anything he would feel worse because smoking while u gotta flu just cloggs your lungs up more.

some1 correct me if im wrong
Yeah - its like being a smoker and needing fags when you've got a cough/cold...the fewer you can get by on the COULD make him a very weak one I suppose but from my experience it wouldnt help
i also find that i dont get high when i'm sick and clogged up. maybe thats just me. its pretty cool that you can even think about smoking a doob with your dad.
Lol, a joint because he ahs flu, i don't think that's the best method. Maybe if he crashed his car and had a bad back, but flu?

I'm surprised by these guys have never smoked herb before when you were sick, and felt better because of it?

Weed has always helped me with headaches, nausea or nasal/bronchial can't compare it to cigs really, since nicotine acts as a vaso-constrictant while THC and CBD are vasodilators.
I've never found cannabis to be effective against things like runny noses and coughs and sneezes and such. Aches and pains and things like depression yes, but not flu like symptons etc
The moment i feel myself getting sick i take some rips. Feel normal again. I never get sick anymore really. Haven't been sick in months.. and when i was i had no pot haha

If i got a cough or runny nose i also notice it either stop or slow down.
i always smoke when i got the flu it helps me get some decent sleep without waking up every 15 minutes
Yes do edibles, im just getting over a flu and it did not help me to burn. Luckly i had the best Skywalker kush ive ever seen so it only took me a little bowl to get lit.
if you wanted to you could make him brownies or something.
Or - -

Peanut Butter Canna Cookies

· 1 1/4 cups flour, sift or stir before measuring
· 1/2 teaspoon salt
· 1 teaspoon baking powder
· 1/2 cup Canna butter
· 1/2 cup peanut butter
· 1/2 cup granulated sugar
· 1/2 cup light brown sugar, packed
· 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
· 1 egg
Sift together flour, salt, and baking powder; set aside. Cream melted butter, peanut butter, and sugars; beat in vanilla and egg. Stir in flour mixture, blending well. Shape mixture into 3/4-inch balls; place on greased baking sheets. Flatten each cookie with the tines of a fork; dip fork in flour periodically to keep it from sticking to the peanut butter cookie dough.
Bake peanut butter cookies at 375° for about 10 to 12 minutes

But be careful, a couple of these fuckers & he'll be like a downs syndrome poster child.