Twisted Leaves


Hey reddiamond, any ideas on how to do that, sorry I have an awesome fan really powerful. Is there anything else I can do ?


Well-Known Member
Depends on your ambient temps but get good airflow through your room, i had good extraction but only a passive intake, i added a fan for intake and it dropped my temps by 5 degrees but we are having a heatwave in uk and my temps have gone back up so i'm struggling myself now :(

Edit: Just noticed you're in uk too :) we're not used to these temps and i'm not buying an aircon unit just for a few weeks of sun.


Yeah its crazy it's killing me lol well more to the point killing my babies I also think this is why my PH keeps dropping as I lose over 30 liters of water between res changes in evaporation :( I've heard that will drop the PH and now to add to it I think I have Nitrogen deficiency and have no idea how to remedy this one, will have to do some searching.

20130723_190413.jpg20130723_190502.jpg20130723_190517.jpg20130723_190543.jpgCheers dude :)


Well-Known Member
You'll prob find the nutrients are fine, it looks more like a lock-out of some kind, prob due to the ph dropping.
Can't you add back water to the res to compensate for the evaporation?
Would have to be distilled or RO water though, at least this would keep your ph on target.


Cool i started to do that towards the end of the res and I changed it yesterday so I will top it up :) The temp is dropping a bit too so that's all good... much needed storms :)


Yeah seems to be ok now... not sure why it was creeping down all the time. All the plants look healthy bar one which is a twisted little runt lol she still going though so not removing her. The canazym I added has made a massive difference (I put it in with the first res of flower) they have exploded not sure the tent will be big enough if they keep growing at this rate lol.
Hows the heat your end, we have cooled down a little but still gets high from time to time.


Well-Known Member
Yeah its definately getting better now the heats dropping :) i'm 1 week into flower now and she's looking good but i only have the 1 to contend with :D


Yeah 8 is allot for a noob like me lol but the smell is frickin amazing :) Just gotta keep my humidity down now :)


Hi guys,

Need some advice if anyone can chime in it would be great.

The problem is that my girls are getting big (kinda good though) and some of the branches are getting heavy and starting to droop down with the weight. So the advice I need is what do I do? Do I tie them up some how? It becomes a little harder because they need to be moved every 10 day because of res changes. So I was thinking of a garden cane in each one and fishing line to tie them up...... but I could be way off so please chime in if you have any better ideas please guys... Thanks :)