Twisting flipping leaves ???

Micheal Kelso

Well-Known Member
Alright - I have searched everywhere and I can't really find anything.

My leaves every so often flip over, like the stem twists. The plants are healthy and look fine, no pests - alot of ventilation and light, good nutes and everything. Even the leaves that flip over are fine, they flip back the right way eventually. I have a 1000 HPS and a 400 HPS in a 8x7x7 grow space, both air cooled. Temps are good, usually between 68ish up to 78ish.

So my guesses are either too much wind from fans blowing on them or I read something mentioned about too much light, but I can't find the thread again....

It doesn't really seem to be hurting anything, I guess I would just like to know if anyone has heard of this. If I am giving them too much light I would like to save some money on my electric bill - same if too much wind, I can slow my ventilation down too :P





I have that to - my first grow. I thought it was the Ph to high, but not sure. Would like to know that answer as well....
I've had the same problem. But it's only in my first sprout, which I gave way too much nutrients. The rest of my sprouts are normal looking, and they received the weaker nutrients/water mix.
I don't fan them at all, the temp is usually in the eighties. Ground coconut husks for soil. Low 70's at night, mid to high 80's during the day. Seeing as the leaves look healthy otherwise and the plant is growing fine, it's just the little freak of the nursery. MY little freak. <3
Hope that helps you figure out what's up!
i have been growing the same way for many years and now my plants have twisted leaves. i have always used the same fertilizer( i grow hydroponic) and check the ph often. the plants seem fine and once they are under sodium lights the twisting seems to go away. any ideas what is happening? t.w.
twisting and curling leaves is low on Mg and or N but i dunno since you said they are in good condition other than the curling weird
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i have this problem, newest leaves at the top are growing suuper thin and twisty and horn like, went away last time when i mooved my light up,...from my expirence its just heat stress,...where r u growing?
ya just had the problem and fixed two things and it worked. the soil was mixed with blood meal and mushroom compost and a sterile potting mix. mushroom compost compacts really easy and holds on to water. if you are growing indoors flush your soil really well. stir the soil and place outside to let soil dryout well. i did that and my plant recovered.
I've had the same problem. But it's only in my first sprout, which I gave way too much nutrients. The rest of my sprouts are normal looking, and they received the weaker nutrients/water mix.
I don't fan them at all, the temp is usually in the eighties. Ground coconut husks for soil. Low 70's at night, mid to high 80's during the day. Seeing as the leaves look healthy otherwise and the plant is growing fine, it's just the little freak of the nursery. MY little freak. <3
Hope that helps you figure out what's up!

hey man just thought id try n help you out a bit because theres a few things that you could adjust a lil and proly get better yields.

1)fan them, oscillating fan would be best, they need good air flow so that the plant constantly has a fresh supply of carbon dioxide.
2)the ideal range for growing cannabis is 72-76. you said that your temp goes from mid to high 80s to low 70s. so say they go from 87 to 72(that is way to much temperature change.realy 10 degrees is the max that the temp. should change and it would benefit you to not even allow that much of a change.

good luck
one of my leaves is starting to twist as well. everything is perfect but i think its mag/cal so i added some of that to see if it fixes it.
all in all though my plants are healthy as fuck its just the twisting thats trippy
Its 2021 and I see this was created 2007. i am having the same issue. it damn weird as the plant is healthy and strong. Just the leaves and stems which are twisted and the leaves flipped upside down. i have many other plants in same tent not showing any signs.

Ill switch off my oscillating fans too see if any change. then move to next option.

I lifted my lights last night but didnt really see any change doing that.
Its 2021 and I see this was created 2007. i am having the same issue. it damn weird as the plant is healthy and strong. Just the leaves and stems which are twisted and the leaves flipped upside down. i have many other plants in same tent not showing any signs.

Ill switch off my oscillating fans too see if any change. then move to next option.

I lifted my lights last night but didnt really see any change doing that.
Post a pic or start a thread, more info the better, ph is always suspect with distorted leaves. Could be nothing as well.