twisting leaves on cones ...


Active Member
I have a couple of clones I transplanted to soil 9 days ago.. now the new growth is twisting. Any body know what I'm doing wrong!! there under 4 cfls and an ocellated fan. Please help..



New Member
I've seen somthing like this before some bug had bitten the under side of the leafs and where they were bitten the leaf would have a curve/kink/twist in it check under the leaf for real small bite marks in the stem where the leaf is twisted


Well-Known Member
I think it got a blast of whatever nutes in the new soil or pH shift. Best guess the ladies will out grow it.


Active Member
I have a couple of clones I transplanted to soil 9 days ago.. now the new growth is twisting. Any body know what I'm doing wrong!! there under 4 cfls and an ocellated fan. Please help..
first off they're only nine days old....i would take that fan away or at least dont have it blowing directly on them.....back off the nutes as well and do a proper flush for a week or so....then start feeding half strength nutes. i see small brown tips on the leaves.

it also could be that your light is way to close....what kind of light do you have?

if this doesn't work then you may have some bunk genetics. hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Definitely a nute burn. Happened to my friends plants. Do what BuCannabis said for over nutes hes right. Always feed half nutes, most often ppl kill/shock their plants with nutes thinking the more the better. Those leaves may stay a little retarded but you will save them and new growth will be normal.


Active Member
Thank u all for the info... I will monitor them and will be moving them outdoor.. will that be ok or should I keep them under the cfls still??? Oh and I will flush too...thanks YALL...