two autos, one stalled flowering?


Well-Known Member
Unstable genetics ....Im looking at bud structure - airy / irregular. I grow lots of autos and sometimes you get unstable bunk.
Even under a force flower cycle ( 10/14 ) either they play along and structure as a regular photoperiod OR it lags and stays unfinished.

IMO I would cull it ... ran an auto like that for a ridiculous 15 weeks ( just to see ) and it never moved forward in actual flower building only got bigger like ditchweed.

Everything about this one looks right except for the flower structure and trich development. It stopped growing in height and looks like multi colas without any real training to get there. Solid stem, leaf color is good. It's probably the healthiest looking plant I've grown other than the flowers. I'm feeling like it needs to come down also, but also in denial because I keep thinking I can do something to make this pop.

Question though, if this was a true auto, wouldn't I see some leaves dying off by now? There is none of that happening.
Yikes seems like it should be finishing up.
Yeah, I cut the smaller one a few days ago. Much smaller but perfect development and on time. I have a new auto just starting in the same location. I'll let this one go until the other is ready then give it a lot of darkness to see what happens.


Well-Known Member
Here’s what I can’t tell from your pic. When I compare to my grows. My autos main stem where it comes out of the ground looks like a small tree or bush. Yours looks more like photos I see.

The reason I say that is it may be a nutrient lock out issue etc. I don’t have a ton of experience I can only go off the plants I’ve grown

After looking at it again it doesn’t look deficient. I don’t know man sorry I’m not much help. Just get through it and try again. That’s what nice about autos not as much time invested when the Gets messed up.
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Here’s what I can’t tell from your pic. When I compare to my grows. My autos main stem where it comes out of the ground looks like a small tree or bush. Yours looks more like photos I see.

The reason I say that is it may be a nutrient lock out issue etc. I don’t have a ton of experience I can only go off the plants I’ve grown

After looking at it again it doesn’t look deficient. I don’t know man sorry I’m not much help. Just get through it and try again. That’s what nice about autos not as much time invested when the Gets messed up.
All good. It's helpful just chatting it through instead of thinking I'm a complete idiot :) I'll let it run and see what happens in a couple of weeks. Looks like I'll need hobby time given what's going on out there!


Well-Known Member
All good. It's helpful just chatting it through instead of thinking I'm a complete idiot :) I'll let it run and see what happens in a couple of weeks. Looks like I'll need hobby time given what's going on out there!
That’s what we’re all here do buddy
So, not much flowering change since last week. One more shot at this so I'm doing a 36 hour dark then back to 12/12 for this one. If nothing happens I'm culling and working on the next crew. This one is definitely NOT a true auto. Nothing dying out and no signs of true bud development. Plenty of green and all the right colors. Pre flowers are everywhere and a little trich development but that's it.
