Two different Lolly-popping technic's

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Here are Photo's of a test run of two different ways to grow Lolly-Pop Style from years back. One way produces a single Cola with No Side branches and fluffy pop corn buds. The other Produces multi Cola's with No side branches and fluffy pop corn buds. I ran the test run, because I was sick and tired of the endless hours of manicuring and the huge piles of leaf and crap. The single Cola Photo's are not as mature as the Multi Cola Lolly-Pops. But I still think the Multi Cola Lolly-pop methoid is by far a better way to go.

Generally speaking with a short veg people remove the lower 4 nodes or so and flip, with a longer vegs people sometimes remove the lower nodes of each branch.
this must be a new technice it even futuruist by the date of the picture. . Just kidding great looking bud what strain is this looks a little like northern nights.
These photo's are from a Journal of mine a few years back. I put them in a thread, because i could not figure out how to message the pictures to someone. It was to test which technic produce's the best yield, with the lowiest effort to manicure and harvest the crop. I had just finished a crop that took me crazy unending hours to manicure. And I was left with Piles and piles of crap material. I will link the thread.
The plants with one single Cola were placed under 12/12 light as soon as the clones popped roots out the side of the rapid rooter and put in coco. No topping. And the bottom 1/3 of the stem was stripped of all branches and fan leafs at about 2-3 weeks.
The second technic, the clones were places into Coco, but were vegged for 10 days after the clones showed roots. And they were topped. Also the bottom 1/3 of the stem was stripped.
When I first started the journal, I was only going to do the 10 day method. But then I thought about how this was a new strain for me, and I wanted to see both technics, side by side.


Muchakinock, I can not remember the strain. I am pretty sure it will probably be somewhere in that old journal.