Two newbie questions in one

My plant has been in flower for nearly 2 weeks on 200W CFL. Only given it nutes a couple of times as it seemed healthy during veg, didn't want to burn it. Now though it seems to be having problems with rust on its lower fan leaves.

A few have developed brown spots and then turned yellow in patches. Is this some sort of mite thing or a nute thing? Can't have burnt the leaves but could be under doing it... What d'you think?

Also got my first pic of what i think is a sign of sex. Am i deluding myself? It is a boy or girl?!

Thanks for any help guys.



Well-Known Member
personally, I never ever give a plant that young in flowering.. any nutes.

I wait until its a good 3 weeks into flowering before I feed any nutrients at all.

This way, your giving the plant plenty of time to fully transition into flowering before giving it any nutrients.

Good luck!



Active Member
whats your ph at? what nutes are you using? it looks like you may have a pH imbalance or a calcium deficiency.


Well-Known Member
with atami terra range im using the feed schedule says too feed from 1st week of flower all the way through till finish. but im in hydro. in the first few weeks of flower the plants explode with growth so feeding them should make them flourish more. i suppose its getting the balance right. i have read threads of people who grow in soil alot seem to feed every other day and water every other day so water, feed, water, feed and so on. and looking at that babie it looks to be female could be wrong.
yeah it looks like a ph problem locking out cal are mag. i had the same problem my ph was too high so it wasnt getting cal or mag.solution was lowered ph with lemon juice bought some calmag. tell me if i am right have you been over watering and not letting the soil completly dry out.overwatering can lock out calcium too i believe well at least with my tomatoes it does

check out my shit
Much obliged for the quick relies.
@SCCA - i only have a basic pH test kit but its looks to be a shade under 7 - about 6.8. Is there a cheap way to tip the pH balance in my favour? I'll look into resolving calcium deficiency but i was more concerned my plant was in some way diseased lolol.
@shadowdarker - hope you're right about it being female mate, it better be! I had picked up that early flower was the time to boost with nutes from others, might play it safe and give small amounts tho.
@feedtheweed - ah, lemon juice you say? You might be right about watering, didn't know about overwatering 'lockout'. thanks


Active Member
you can use distilled white vinegar to lower pH, you shouldn't need to worry about bringing it up. 6.8 is alright, is that the pH of your runoff or the water you are putting into the soil? what soil are you using?


Active Member
Any pet store that has a fish section should have decent ph test kits and ph up/down for fairly cheap (under $10). Check the box to be sure they are ones that can be used with plants though as some can not. If you aren't sure of sex still you should know within another few days probably. Also, look at the ingredients for the nutrients you're using and see if they include micro in addition to macro nutrients, if not then some places sell the micro ones separate.
I'm using biobizz light mix and testing pH of the water i'm putting into the soil. Hadn't thought to test runoff pH, thanks for the tip.
Update: problem solved! Sorted pH with a little vinegar and upped my nutes (think deficiency was due to cautious feeding). As a first time grower, loosing all the fan leaves seemed like i had screwed up since my plants weren't long into flowering. S'all good now though, check out the buds coming along nicely (all 14 of them :D):
Thanks for the advice guys.