Thank you for the response Theneongrow.
Wow! Our plants look identical.
I hate to see that you are going thru the same thing that I am, but at least you can take solace in the fact that you are not alone in your struggles.
I'm a newbie grower just like yourself so I understand the concern and frustration.

So far I have been told it was to much Nitrogen, and that I had a Magnesium deficiency.
It seems that the general consensus is that I have MG deficiency.
The member that said I had a Nitrogen burn said it was to late to solve that issue.
So I am just focusing on the MG deficiency.
So I recalibrated my pen and started feeding Epsom salt.
I also raised my lights a little.
I am just going to keep feeding just H20 and Epsom salt for now and see what happens.
I should have enough food in my soil to cover the other bases.
I should have had about another 3 weeks for this grow.
So for now I am just going to get thru the best I can and I am already planning for the next grow.

I wish you the best of luck.
Don't let it get you down.
Just learn from it and plan for the next one to be better.
We have all skinned out knees learning to ride a bike.
And we have all burned some food learning to cook a meal.
This is no different.
We will learn from this and be better growers for this lesson.

Best wishes to you, hope it all works out.
Thank you bro, I wish you succes!
My soil is Fox farms Happy Frog
I think I may have been going in to low with the PH for the last 2 weeks.
I was measuring at run off and I was trying to compensate for the difference..
So I was going in at 5.8 to get a 6.5 in run off.
I think that was a big mistake on my part.
I only started measuring my run off in the last 2 weeks or so.
Prior to that I would just go in between 6.5 to 6.8 and I didn't have the big mess I have now.
I did notice so MG deficiency starting that is why I started to check the run off.
I thought I was having a lock out issue.
I should have just left it alone and added Epsom salt at that time, but I adjusted the ph instead and wrecked everything.
Leeson learned.

I have the pen calibrated and I'm going in straight at 6.5
My well water is 7.8 with a ppm of 241 so it takes a good squirt to get it down to 6.5
I let the pen rest in the water for awhile to get and accurate reading.
Last night I put 1 teaspoon of Epsom salt into 1 gallon of water ph'd at 6.5
I'm going to do this again tonight when they get up.

This is my first indoor grow and I new it would come with growing pains and tough lessons.
Everything I learn will make the next grow that much better.

Once these girls get pulled I will be going right back in for another go.

Thank for all of your help.
Look I was doing completely the same thing you are doing, measuring and chasing nonsense runoff pH. what EC you mixed out of tsp/G of epsom and why did you pH that? Stop doing all that pHing, it makes more mess than you need. You can get some Bluelab soil pH pen, saves a lot of guessing game and also clearly explains how the whole pH thing works and what does the buffer actually means. Good luck!
Look I was doing completely the same thing you are doing, measuring and chasing nonsense runoff pH. what EC you mixed out of tsp/G of epsom and why did you pH that? Stop doing all that pHing, it makes more mess than you need. You can get some Bluelab soil pH pen, saves a lot of guessing game and also clearly explains how the whole pH thing works and what does the buffer actually means. Good luck!
Thank you for the response Bukvicak,
I don't think we are on the same page but that's OK.
What I said earlier is that I thought I had a lockout happening and I thought I had to high of a PH in my medium so I did a Run off test for both my PH and PPM to see where I was at.
I noticed my PH coming out of my run off quite higher that what I put in.
So I compensated for that by lowering my PH going in.
That is where I made my mistake.
I caused my own lockout and deficiencies.

I always PH my water going in. I try to keep it at around 6.5 - 6.7
I should not have made such a low adjustment to compensate for high run off PH. I was going in at 5.9 to get a run off of 6.6 and that messed it up.

From now on I am just going in at 6.5 and I am not chasing the run off.

I just started using Epsom 2 days ago after it was suggested to me to increase my magnesium.

So for now it's just a waiting game to see if my PH adjustment and Epsom regiment works out.

Thank you for your help
Thank you for the response Bukvicak,
I don't think we are on the same page but that's OK.
What I said earlier is that I thought I had a lockout happening and I thought I had to high of a PH in my medium so I did a Run off test for both my PH and PPM to see where I was at.
I noticed my PH coming out of my run off quite higher that what I put in.
So I compensated for that by lowering my PH going in.
That is where I made my mistake.
I caused my own lockout and deficiencies.

I always PH my water going in. I try to keep it at around 6.5 - 6.7
I should not have made such a low adjustment to compensate for high run off PH. I was going in at 5.9 to get a run off of 6.6 and that messed it up.

From now on I am just going in at 6.5 and I am not chasing the run off.

I just started using Epsom 2 days ago after it was suggested to me to increase my magnesium.

So for now it's just a waiting game to see if my PH adjustment and Epsom regiment works out.

Thank you for your help
What about your nutrient line and schedule? I mean I have also tried to feed my plants with only epsom when I thought I am seeing magnesium def. It has never worked for me like here ppl are claiming “she greens right up”. Maybe when you run organics? That was another thing which was pissing me off those european nutrients most of them without analysis only listing NPK and when you ask they send you into shit with words: our formula is our secret. Faq U! If you have nuts with analysis, you are never guessing deficiencies, since you know you are providing everthing what they need, than you do not need to use epsom in some crazy amounts in hope you put everything back into ballance. So now you know your pH is just fine with Bluelab, you know your nutrients have everything the girls need and there are still issues going on? Now its time to check your PPFD. Since you do not run sealed room with supplemental CO2 nor your environment is well dialed in in sense of VPD (vapour pressure deficit in short right temp at actual RH) than I would not recommend to push them too hard with the light. Lot of “defficiencies” are caused by just too much light. If this is also in check, than you are doing something wrong in sense of watering habbits or have not used pot big enough to flower your plant in mix. Ofc you have figured out pests issue before. You want to know WHY is this happening to avoid it next run not only guessing what actually helped... Good luck!
What about your nutrient line and schedule? I mean I have also tried to feed my plants with only epsom when I thought I am seeing magnesium def. It has never worked for me like here ppl are claiming “she greens right up”. Maybe when you run organics? That was another thing which was pissing me off those european nutrients most of them without analysis only listing NPK and when you ask they send you into shit with words: our formula is our secret. Faq U! If you have nuts with analysis, you are never guessing deficiencies, since you know you are providing everthing what they need, than you do not need to use epsom in some crazy amounts in hope you put everything back into ballance. So now you know your pH is just fine with Bluelab, you know your nutrients have everything the girls need and there are still issues going on? Now its time to check your PPFD. Since you do not run sealed room with supplemental CO2 nor your environment is well dialed in in sense of VPD (vapour pressure deficit in short right temp at actual RH) than I would not recommend to push them too hard with the light. Lot of “defficiencies” are caused by just too much light. If this is also in check, than you are doing something wrong in sense of watering habbits or have not used pot big enough to flower your plant in mix. Ofc you have figured out pests issue before. You want to know WHY is this happening to avoid it next run not only guessing what actually helped... Good luck!
Thanks for the input Bukicak

I've totally agree wit the light issue.
I raised it up a little and dialed them back a little
I water when the posts are light, every other day.
They are in 3 gallon fabric pots and these are smaller auto flowers, So I think 3 gal. is enough.
I've been using build a soil products.

I'm sure that this is grower error, and the reason my issue is as bad as it is, is because I am a new grower and I made some mistakes.
No biggie.
I will learn from them and move on..

Next grow will be way better!

Thanks again.