two plants per pot?


Active Member
so ive read a couple different things, some saying its ok to grow two plants per pot and others saying not you think this would be a bad idea? I'm growing two plants that are just starting out now and using some cfls. im doing a closet grow as well so space is some what of an issue but i could do two pots if necessary. thanks for the help!

Papi Chingon

Well-Known Member
tits, i say bad move. there's a shit-ton of roots in a single plant, so putting two of them in the same pot is a bad idea.


Well-Known Member
Be honest with you dude.. It's probably not a bad idea since your not trying to get all technical with it..Just give it a little bit more nutrients since theres double the rootage.


Well-Known Member
Yea just like P chingon said lots of roots so you have a high chance of getting your plants roots tangled up(not a good idear).

Bud Frosty

Well-Known Member
I have 2 growing in a deep 10" pot right now. LST in 2 different directions. Day 14 of flower and it's looking like a bud making machine.


Well-Known Member
Here's the issue: If you get one male and one female, you're f'ed. You can't take out the male without screwing up the roots of the female. Even if they were clones and you knew they were both females, you won't get any more with two smaller plants in the same plant than you would get with one plant. In fact, it might be a little less for the simple fact that two plants would have a lot more vegetation (leaves), thus hindering the light from hitting the budsites as much as possible. I say don't do it. No point.


Active Member
yeah i mean if its risky ill prob hold off, but thanks for the advice guys ill let you know how it goes if i decide to try it out


Active Member
i see what your saying...another thing tho, when you think i should transplant into a bigger pot? It's been like 6 days now and shes about 2-3 inches with her 2nd set of leaves coming in now. It's in a small cup size planter now but i have a couple gallon planter waiting


Well-Known Member
yeah, you can put it in now. It's better to put it in before it gets rootbound. 3 inches in a small planter is about the right transplant size.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
1 plant per pot. Crowding only leads to bad things. If one is male then all you will have is seeds. If they are female then your lucky but then your yield and plant health suffer due to the plants fighting and stealing food from each other.Not to mention not being able to repot them or your going to stress them by ripping the root class 1 plant per pot