Two Questions!! Its easy... Please


Well-Known Member
I pulled this female that turned into a male due to stress, I want to re use the soil but there are alot of the roots from the male in it. Has anyone had like a female turning into a male from sharing used soil? Or is it safe?

The plant I pulled had shown preflowers then I topped and then put into flowering shortly after. One branch out of like 7 was a on the whole plant looked completely different and was female... Anyone ever had that happen?


Active Member
reusing the soil will not hurt your plant. Assuming the soil itself is not what caused the first plant the stress that made it herm.


Well-Known Member
I pulled this female that turned into a male due to stress, I want to re use the soil but there are alot of the roots from the male in it. Has anyone had like a female turning into a male from sharing used soil? Or is it safe?

The plant I pulled had shown preflowers then I topped and then put into flowering shortly after. One branch out of like 7 was a on the whole plant looked completely different and was female... Anyone ever had that happen?
Simple expanation, your plant hermied on you. This can be caused by a number of stresses with the most common being the light cycle being disrupted. It is also more likely to occur with femenized seeds. As far as the soil goes, its a basic rule that you never want to reuse soil. especially in indoor gardens. there is no way for you to remove all of the dead plant matter and this opens up a breeding ground of good and bad microbes. you are much beetter off going out and spending $10 on a new bag of soil. The exception for reusing soil is the guy who mixes it all back together and lets it compost for a while. Hope this helps, any other questions feel free to ask.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the input... With the light interuptions, would a 12 watt light coming on for 30 seconds a 12 hr. dark period have any effect. Of that lightning is very indirect on the plant... Its no more than moonlight woud be...


Active Member
Some plants are more sensitive to stresses than others. A small amount of light may have no impact on one plant, or cause a complete sex reversal on another. Best to never chance light leaks.

Supreme Skunk

Active Member
i'm gonna be honest i dont think that 12 watt light your talking about caused the sex change of your little girl, what type of soil were you using with your first plant?


Well-Known Member
If you MUST use your old soil:

Massive flush with hydrogen peroxide.
Bake your soil at 350 degrees until its dry.


Hit it with a giant blast of high N powdered nutes, then do a massive flush before you use them again.

You are better off dumping the soil outside and starting over again.