Two weeks old pictures



My plants are two weeks old now from seed.

4days in the window sill

10days in the tent under 600w light

Started with the light at the highest point possible then lowered. It everyday by a few inches, it's now about 2.5ft / 3ft away from plants.

What do you think?
Are they right size for age?
Are they looking healthy?




Well-Known Member
They look OK. Very good actually.

Go ahead and fully top off those pots now, right to the brim with your potting soil mix. Tamp it down pretty well.

You should probably be up-potting in a couple weeks, and in the meantime the plants should develop roots along the section of stem you buried, making for a more robust plant.

I do this exactly, on purpose, with all my start-from-seed projects. I start in 16oz party cups, and only fill them to within 2" from the top when I put the seed in. After they germinate I always get some stretch/lanky growth. At about 10-14 days top them off with soil buryiing the lanky portion of stem.

Works great for me.


I'll be doing this soon as I get in

I did fill the soil a little more looks like it's gone down abit by the water

But I'll fill to the top give the new dry soil a little bit of water

Then I think in about 10/14 days I should be ready for the final pot