tying down


i tied my plant down a week ago the branches have gone weak. and the leaves started to go yellow from the bottom up ? could it need nitrogen .


it not overwaterd cos i let it dry al the way out be for i water again .... and no cam for pics


Well-Known Member
Beech....Whats up ya old fart!!!!:-P

Thought id chime in here :bigjoint:

Tinny, if you have no pics., can you go into detail more than "they turned yellow?", Are they curling under on the sides or tips? Are the brown and crispy on any parts?

How did you tie it down? Hooks? or string? If its string check you didn't choke the branches by tying too tight.....Ive seen it done before :hump:
Or that you didnt bend the branches down too far and crack the stems. Too much stress thru pressure of bending the stalks will also choke it out. It cant move nutrients or water thru the capillaries to feed plant or deliver chlorophyll to the plant from the leaves. Read up on LST techniques to learn how to tie down with out damaging the plant.


Well-Known Member
Spoil age of plant,due leaves have blue veins and kinda whitehish tips ?Little N and table spoon of dissoved Epson salt per gal will not hurt em for sure next water.


there is no curling no brown bits on the leaves .. the leaves just turn yellow then fall of .. and i tied it with string loose round the branch


Active Member
Maybe the plant is in bloom.... if the leaves are yellowing evenly and falling off naturally, then it is just the plant removing nitrogen from then to put all its efforts into buds.


Active Member
Well I don't know the seasons in spain, but the budding season started here in washington beginning of August. My guess is that your plants are starting to bud. The leaves yellow and drop just like other plants do in the fall. You should give them a big phosphorous feeding to jumpstart budding


just looked it should be going 12/12 in bout a week here so hopefully they should be done by october november ty


Active Member
Actually the days will not be 12/12 until the end of this month where I live and yet my plants have been budding since august. Indoors we use 12/12 as an ideal, but outside it works differently. It has to do with chemical ratios induced by light vs dark. It takes the plant longer but the process is more natural with less stretching. Likely your plant started budding around august. If it waited for 12/12 to bud it wouldn't finish until December or January for some strains.


there is no sign of of pistils or buds growing yet but my brothers plants started buding but a week ago