Tylenol Pms?


Well-Known Member
I've got news for you dude. You drink beer while abusing tylenol and your liver may shut down completely, then you're fucked:hump: If you want to get fucked-up sniff gas, you'll have no brain left but you'll still be alive, and can sit and veg. all the rest of your life:roll:
Go on the net and search tylenol induced liver failure. Smart'en upbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
My friend has liver failure because the docter told him to take 2 tylenol every 2-3 hours cuz he had a 104+ temp


Well-Known Member
i used Pm's a lot in college (insomnia, usually treated with a spliff) THIS STUFF WILL KILL YOUR LIVER!!!!
after a week or two of use i had severe pain in my lower back and side.

please dont use these for recreational purposes.



Well-Known Member
Be careful w/those pills.There not meant to be taken on a regular basis.Pms will destroy your liver....