Types of LSD Crystal AND how to lay it-THE TRUE DEADHEAD WAY

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Even if the it wasn't possible to overdose idk how the hell you enjoy them enough to eat them that often. It may just be me but I absolutely despise the body load that comes with nbomes
It's a difference in body chemistry I can sleep on the stuff for some reason
I've been spoiled the last year or so getting nothing but fluff and np and can honestly say I don't know if I could go back to the bullshit that pops up around here. Its all either diluted vials that came from rainbow or its nbome that is passed off as L. Hell even if you do get real L that hasn't been diluted its all 100ug wow. Where did all the real fam go? The ones that laid the hippie doses, the ones that actually believed in what they were doing outside of monetary gain? Everyone seems to have lost the love in my opinion, and only do it to line there own pockets. But it could just be where I'm from, this place seems to be infested with fake fam.
My friend regularly gives me free stuff when I buy off of him, eventually I want to get to the point where I can do it myself, lay the pages in the LSD and stuff and help spread the love. I like how I get stuff super cheap from him and randomly get a little something extra. If I need extra money he cuts me a deal so I can resell, and I like to keep my prices cheap so that whoever takes it can tell me its good and then I can say well I have a friend you should meet sometime
I've been spoiled the last year or so getting nothing but fluff and np and can honestly say I don't know if I could go back to the bullshit that pops up around here. Its all either diluted vials that came from rainbow or its nbome that is passed off as L. Hell even if you do get real L that hasn't been diluted its all 100ug wow. Where did all the real fam go? The ones that laid the hippie doses, the ones that actually believed in what they were doing outside of monetary gain? Everyone seems to have lost the love in my opinion, and only do it to line there own pockets. But it could just be where I'm from, this place seems to be infested with fake fam.
when I first stepped on lot...i thought "what would Jerry think?"

nothing shaking on shakedown street? it used to be the heart of town. dont tell me this town aint got no heart. You just gotta poke around."

there is Love still out there....
They are usually hiding like a hermit crab. (;
This is very true, most psychonauts tend to be of the hermit variety. The problem lies in the fact that the ones you'll find on lot around here tend to fall into one of two categories, they either have no idea what they have or they don't care, which makes it incredibly hard to find worth while product. I've had some interesting experiences dealing with the foot soldiers around here. One in particular looked me dead in the eyes and told me all about how he diluted his shit so he could look like a generous dealer when he gave out free doses. It's just a shame the way these things play out. I can remember when I first tried L at 16 (which was not that long ago in all reality) and I didn't even trip. One hit did absolutely nothing. When I told him about it trying to get some more off him he refused to let me pay for it and handed me three. Needless to say I tripped face that night lol. But the real point of that story is that you don't find that anymore, the people around here simply don't seem to care anymore if you get the experience or even if what they are giving you is really what they say it is. All they want to do is make money and look like they live the lifestyle. That's why I will forever refer to them as fake fam and as I previously stated this place is infested with them. but I'm truly glad people like you still exist @HeatlessBBQ, though you may be few and far between and near impossible to find at times, it's good to know some people still believe in the principles that make the fam what it was always supposed to be. Got nothing but love for you bro.
i hear You on bunk love on lot...both acid and relationships.
however, I have made some of the most beautiful friendships on lot.

I am telling ALL OF YOU, Colorado is the place for YOU.
You are on a cannabis growing site. And Colorado is the capital of weed now a days.
There will always be bunk love around but there will always be real love around.
no one is perfect
I know exactly what you mean. I still talk to a handful of people I met on lot almost daily. But as far as Colorado goes I've contemplated moving there quite a bit over the last couple of years and I'm sure I'll end up out there eventually. Got a couple friends out around Denver so if nothing else I've always got a good reason to visit lol.
Colorado is my destination for 2016. Washington is the dream in 2020. I know a guy who works with the magic mushrooms. I'm going to grow specific strains of weed just for him in exchange for some trippy shrooms, and hopefully when that plays out my friend in California can show me a thing or two about LSD so when I'm back in colorado I can share the love. But if I ever get to that point, I'll be sure to find a way to label the sheets with how strong they are but I don't think I would do a single wash (or however you call it as I've never done that yet, but I know i will) because if I hand out a free hit, I want you to trip your dick off. Literally come back to me with your dick in hand and say
Bro I gotta problem
Unfortunately its gonna take more time than I would like so I have to be patient. I might get a vial of liquid sometime in December or January so I can practice!
Colorado is my destination for 2016. Washington is the dream in 2020. I know a guy who works with the magic mushrooms. I'm going to grow specific strains of weed just for him in exchange for some trippy shrooms, and hopefully when that plays out my friend in California can show me a thing or two about LSD so when I'm back in colorado I can share the love. But if I ever get to that point, I'll be sure to find a way to label the sheets with how strong they are but I don't think I would do a single wash (or however you call it as I've never done that yet, but I know i will) because if I hand out a free hit, I want you to trip your dick off. Literally come back to me with your dick in hand and say
Bro I gotta problem
Unfortunately its gonna take more time than I would like so I have to be patient. I might get a vial of liquid sometime in December or January so I can practice!
lol You do know that LSD is laid from RAW crystalline powder from a syringe?
not vials. idk why anyone would lay vials out on sheets when it is perfectly fine in the bottle unless You would rather have paper....

REAL LSD lays are extremely delicate and only masters know how to lay sheets evenly.
and apparently YOU WILL get high laying sheets, or even being around exposed raw crystal.

i have never been around raw in my day.
It comes from a guy who makes the crystals that's all I know. You're right I don't know much about it but I learn lots because I ask questions. If laying liquid from a vial onto a sheet is not a good idea I might just dose sugar cubes or something. I was thinking lay it on sheets because that's the only way I've seen it (and was comfortable) and then I could get some neat blotter paper too! But I'd definitely do it for you to have an experience not for me to line my pockets. Your money is no good where I'm going, why would I want to amass so much I can't spend it? Greed is a terrible thing, I just read in the paper the governor of Illinois is worth 500 MILLION dollars... If I had that much I would GIVE away all but about 100 thousand to charity to people who really needed and to help globally not just keep my pockets warm.
I like the way you think @mikek420 thats the way to be and its no real surprise about the governor of Illinois the state is by far one of the most corrupt and the only good news is if he follows the last 6 he'll find himself in prison lol but sugar cubes work good that's how they rolled in the 60's but most sugary candy will work a lot of time you see them on sweet tarts if it came from a vial
I've only ever seen paper and if I've only ever seen paper then I assume the guy who wants it has only seen paper (around me) but then again who knows? I know that there will be a lot of satisfied people when I make it to where I'm going and have my plans in place to spread the love and do what I love
I've seen a decent amount of both paper and vials in the two periods of my life in which good L has been involved (there was a couple year gap when I got, got by someone pushing L as nbomes) but once they try it and realize what it is, it won't matter to them if it's paper or liquid they will just want more.
just to make things clear about THUMBPRINTS of LSD....

Giving a thumbprint out to someone is literally testing their karma to see if they actually can spread love.
the moment a person wants a thumbprint is the moment that REALITY is going to prove their karma.
and what I mean when I say that is... taking a thumbprint will literally rip off every single secret You have ever kept inside of You will be shown. YOU WILL be naked. Not physically... but spiritually.
YOUR entirety WILL be shown. This is what it means to "steal someones face" releasing their ego.

Thumbprints are NOT a initiation... but a test.

True heads are NOT going to fuck with people they do not trust. Even the smartest and most clever of under cover cops cannot stop the movement. EVER.
because once They get thumbprinted.... they WILL be changed for life.

My buddy dropped raw crystal on a cops door handle at bonaroo 2010, apparently the cop got so high that he changed his life, quit being a cop, and started a local co op natural grocery store.
It sounds scary and beautiful at the same time, ever since I found out about it, I'm looking into the how and why someone would give a gift like that. I keep hoping but I know its not something ask for or anything and its no game at that point either
just to make things clear about THUMBPRINTS of LSD....

Giving a thumbprint out to someone is literally testing their karma to see if they actually can spread love.
the moment a person wants a thumbprint is the moment that REALITY is going to prove their karma.
and what I mean when I say that is... taking a thumbprint will literally rip off every single secret You have ever kept inside of You will be shown. YOU WILL be naked. Not physically... but spiritually.
YOUR entirety WILL be shown. This is what it means to "steal someones face" releasing their ego.

Thumbprints are NOT a initiation... but a test.

True heads are NOT going to fuck with people they do not trust. Even the smartest and most clever of under cover cops cannot stop the movement. EVER.
because once They get thumbprinted.... they WILL be changed for life.

My buddy dropped raw crystal on a cops door handle at bonaroo 2010, apparently the cop got so high that he changed his life, quit being a cop, and started a local co op natural grocery store.
Gonna agree to disagree on one point..... drop that vial on anything candy, sugar what have you easier to move things around kno what I mean Heat? Like watercolor paper :lol::lol: Methods of laying compared to the 60-70's are crude Sandoz aint around anymore its done in hotel rooms and basements print almost needed wouldnt ya say or the job wouldnt get done lol I love headz the only thing that gets me out the woodworks anymore
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