Types of LSD Crystal AND how to lay it-THE TRUE DEADHEAD WAY

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Haha in one year from this date I will be making my own LSD. I wanna make that promise to the universe, I've got literally every atom of my existence working for that, I had a super long conversation with someone on a slightly different matter, and it was like "I can do this"
Yeah of course errowid... And lots of other places. I will slowly be buying the proper equipment, no cutting corners, and by November/December, at the latest, if I've got my intentions and my mind set it the right place. This. Will. Happen. I'll at least have everything there. Ready to teach me everything. And of course research research research. Knowing the right people, I'd like to have someone, that trusts me fully and I trust them fully, to be able to guide me, and I know my intentions are good and that I will help to manifest this into my life
If I ever make it to America one day I'd love to try your LSD. Personally I feel like there's a huge difference in LSD made by people to make money and LSD made by people full of love and life, even if the purity is right the feelings that get translated through this chemical aren't always there
Thanks! I'd be sure to keep that vibe when I do make it to that level. I just hope I can find someone who sees it in me as much as I see it in myself!
Its interesting you would comment about a different between the product in whether is was made for man to make money or share love. I get that feeling with lots of things. Take food. I go to the store the guy doesn't want to make food because he's in a bad mood. I get my food, and it just tastes off. Like I can feel the negativity. But if I go get something to eat and everyone is happy, I always leave feeling really good
Haha in one year from this date I will be making my own LSD. I wanna make that promise to the universe, I've got literally every atom of my existence working for that, I had a super long conversation with someone on a slightly different matter, and it was like "I can do this"
Yeah of course errowid... And lots of other places. I will slowly be buying the proper equipment, no cutting corners, and by November/December, at the latest, if I've got my intentions and my mind set it the right place. This. Will. Happen. I'll at least have everything there. Ready to teach me everything. And of course research research research. Knowing the right people, I'd like to have someone, that trusts me fully and I trust them fully, to be able to guide me, and I know my intentions are good and that I will help to manifest this into my life

Well you missed the hive by near a decade. That would have been the place, if they would have had you.
I completely understand the trust part, if I can't even see your face how do I know you are who/what you say you are and vice versa. I'm just saying that is my plan. And when I make plans like this, I WANT them to succeed so I'm hoping my intent will show through eventually
I completely understand the trust part, if I can't even see your face how do I know you are who/what you say you are and vice versa. I'm just saying that is my plan. And when I make plans like this, I WANT them to succeed so I'm hoping my intent will show through eventually
A true magician never reveals IT's secrets. (;

One's plans may not always go according to plan unless You work with the divine.
The Grateful Dead Family is always succeeding because They work with the light.
The light will always succeed and shine through.

and the darkness, fake, greedy, sell outs will never succeed
because they do not work with the divine
I feel this thread is a terrible idea. I wish someone would delete it. Why do you want/need the internet "props"? There are people serving life sentences for 10 strips and you guys are all just blabbing blabbing. Gimney Christmas :/
I feel this thread is a terrible idea. I wish someone would delete it. Why do you want/need the internet "props"? There are people serving life sentences for 10 strips and you guys are all just blabbing blabbing. Gimney Christmas :/
Selling lsd myself and having police officers in my family I can tell you that nobody cares enough to follow anything up on the internet unless its some serious serious shit. Authorities couldn't care less about some guys slinging sheets of acid unless they're there in front of them otherwise it's too much hassle for everyone.
Selling lsd myself and having police officers in my family I can tell you that nobody cares enough to follow anything up on the internet unless its some serious serious shit. Authorities couldn't care less about some guys slinging sheets of acid unless they're there in front of them otherwise it's too much hassle for everyone.
With all do respect, How do you know? Your family members are police officers? A police officers job is not to be on the internet looking for drug dealers. Usually writing tickets and doing things like that within their pay grade. If your cousin drives a patrol car he is not the ones you should be worried about. There are certainly federal law enforcement agencies monitoring people and the internet. I am sure one of those agencies would not ignore this thread if they were aware of it. But wtf do I care its your guys lives. I am just trying to point out the obvious, you guys are making a mistake writing things that should not be shared like this.
I feel this thread is a terrible idea. I wish someone would delete it. Why do you want/need the internet "props"? There are people serving life sentences for 10 strips and you guys are all just blabbing blabbing. Gimney Christmas :/

Selling lsd myself and having police officers in my family I can tell you that nobody cares enough to follow anything up on the internet unless its some serious serious shit. Authorities couldn't care less about some guys slinging sheets of acid unless they're there in front of them otherwise it's too much hassle for everyone.

With all do respect, How do you know? Your family members are police officers? A police officers job is not to be on the internet looking for drug dealers. Usually writing tickets and doing things like that within their pay grade. If your cousin drives a patrol car he is not the ones you should be worried about. There are certainly federal law enforcement agencies monitoring people and the internet. I am sure one of those agencies would not ignore this thread if they were aware of it. But wtf do I care its your guys lives. I am just trying to point out the obvious, you guys are making a mistake writing things that should not be shared like this.

You are both correct. As a @Noinch stated. Unless we are right there. They don't care. But @mrpink55 is also correct. If/when you do get on their radar. They can use all this jibba jabba to assist in building a case. And sourcing known associates.
Thanks for your assistance gentlemen.

The more you know...
I feel this thread is a terrible idea. I wish someone would delete it. Why do you want/need the internet "props"? There are people serving life sentences for 10 strips and you guys are all just blabbing blabbing. Gimney Christmas :/
Shows how much acid YOU have eaten before... hahaha

listen to the grateful dead and itll save Yourself a lot of wasted time.

If You are not a head.... You are behind
With all do respect, How do you know? Your family members are police officers? A police officers job is not to be on the internet looking for drug dealers. Usually writing tickets and doing things like that within their pay grade. If your cousin drives a patrol car he is not the ones you should be worried about. There are certainly federal law enforcement agencies monitoring people and the internet. I am sure one of those agencies would not ignore this thread if they were aware of it. But wtf do I care its your guys lives. I am just trying to point out the obvious, you guys are making a mistake writing things that should not be shared like this.
with all due respect.... You are a dumbass
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