Do you have a source for that information? Dude ... I sell RE for a living, and I can tell you that the majority of foreclosures are the result of people who shouldn't have taken out a loan in the first place. Many actually LIED on their loan applications during a time when THE DEMOCRATS in Washington were FORCING the lenders to make sub-prime loans.
Now, you might ask why someone would lie on a loan application when they knew that they wouldn't be able to make the payments. Here's the deal: At the time these mortgages were made, we were in the upside of the ARTIFICIAL real estate bubble. These people took out adjustable rate mortgages with LOW initial interest rates with the idea that they would ride the real estate bubble, sell in a couple of years, and walk away with a nice profit. Well, the real estate bubble, while it had an upside, it also had a downside. The adjustable rate mortgages "adjusted" and with the higher interest rates, the people couldn't afford the payments. So, when they tried to sell, the market for residential resale was pretty much over. Real estate prices began to plummet. Now, they owed more on the property than what it was worth. Many just walked away with the lender holding the bag.
If you want to blame government policies for this fiasco (and I think that's a good place to start), you'd have to go back to the Clinton administration, for it was the DEMOCRATS, under the Clinton administration, that started the whole sub-prime mortgages.
This is nothing more than Progressive ideology gone awry. Wrongly believing that "everyone has the RIGHT to own a home," we are now faced with the unintended consequences.