U.K. Loft grower of insane strains

doby mick

Active Member
Hi Fellow Smokers At the momment i am growing a nice selection of weeds to keep me and the wife going for a while, have you noticed though the more you have the more you want as everytime i start a new grow i say that im going too do a few less and it always ends up more and cant realy work out how ? Probaly because im a greedy bastard. Time for a :joint:

doby mick

Active Member
Thats abit wierd all my favourite smokes originate from your neck of the woods Arik Maso cali. Your very lucky to have the wheather and the law on side, here in U.K. we have to grow indoors under lights and also we have tobe careful as the law often do flyovers with F.L.I.R. or someone smells your crop and reports you or they put someone upto robbing your crop.

grandpa 1949

Well-Known Member
We don't have the law on our side in Tennessee. Were trying but not there just yet.
The cops here in Southeast Tennessee stay petty busy with the moonshiners.