U.S. Constitution


Well-Known Member
i dont prefer an occupation. that doesnt even make sense.

the only thing i prefer is someone with a good sense of morals and a good sense of how things work.

i am feeling some hostility? I'm just getting sick of the greed for money and power. two things that are useless when you die, yet somehow it overcomes so many.
No hostility here, just a little sarcasm is all. You said, "lawyers, businessmen, and executives..." aren't the "type" you'd like. Personally, I don't see what's terrible about having lawyers craft statutory law. It may be useless when you die, but money can certainly extend life.


New Member
You said, "lawyers, businessmen, and executives..." aren't the "type" you'd like.
No i said that the TYPE of people who do these jobs are, in most cases, greedy. Ive met thousands of them in my life! probably more! They just arent good people. Greed has taken over.

Personally, I don't see what's terrible about having lawyers craft statutory law.
It doesnt take a cheating scumbag lawyer to know right from wrong. In fact, its the opposite way around!


New Member
Greed has taken over. Anymore the attitude is to step on people and screw them over to get ahead. It's sickening. Why can't people just live their lives and not stab each other in the back? Why is the dollar more important that peoples lives? The same greedy fuckers who don't give a shit about anyone but their own self are the same people who think there is a heaven and they are going there. I think they really have some idea that you can buy a ticket to their imaginary heaven with cash. If there is a god I bet he's having a great time throwing the "hell switch" on all those bastards, I know I would be. Smile and say "Greed, down you go" then flip them the finger and hit the button.


Well-Known Member
Greed has taken over. Anymore the attitude is to step on people and screw them over to get ahead. It's sickening. Why can't people just live their lives and not stab each other in the back? Why is the dollar more important that peoples lives? The same greedy fuckers who don't give a shit about anyone but their own self are the same people who think there is a heaven and they are going there. I think they really have some idea that you can buy a ticket to their imaginary heaven with cash. If there is a god I bet he's having a great time throwing the "hell switch" on all those bastards, I know I would be. Smile and say "Greed, down you go" then flip them the finger and hit the button.
Let me assure you, I plan on asking that Bastard Satan for a light when I get down there. :-) Assuming, wanting to have all of the fruits of my work given to me can be called greedy.


New Member
So you are basically admitting to stabbing people in the back and screwing people over to get ahead. I bet you're proud of that aren't you?

Let me assure you, I plan on asking that Bastard Satan for a light when I get down there. :-) Assuming, wanting to have all of the fruits of my work given to me can be called greedy.


Well-Known Member
have any of you guys ever noticed the error in the very first sentence...in order to form a more perfect union....how can something be more perfect! how did no one catch this lol
the idea of a representative republic was supposed to be over a small area...the original 13 colonies were actually just state republics...that is why the fed didn't have much control....so when they were trying to establish a stronger fed they wrote "in order to form a more perfect union" because the original structure is as it was then...imperfect


Well-Known Member
So you are basically admitting to stabbing people in the back and screwing people over to get ahead. I bet you're proud of that aren't you?
I never said any such thing.

I said that if I find myself in Hell I intend on asking Satan for a light. Of course that assumes that wanting to have all the fruits of my labor can be termed greedy.

Though speaking of stabbing people in the back. I've had that happen to me once, ironically it didn't work out so well for the person that did it, and I was able to shrug it off.

Though that's story I only talk about when I get really really drunk.


Well-Known Member
stabbing can be so hit and miss and the blade can get stuck if you get into the lungs, it can create a suction and then what? it can be very embarrassing. slashing is much better, also easier if its sharp and you can show more finesse


Well-Known Member
stabbing can be so hit and miss and the blade can get stuck if you get into the lungs, it can create a suction and then what? it can be very embarrassing. slashing is much better, also easier if its sharp and you can show more finesse
And you know this, because?


New Member
The idea that the only way to attain success and/or wealth is to stab people in the back, cheat, lie and in general, be a complete bastard is laughable. Usually, this kind of negative thinking comes from people who have done everything in their power to fail. Most of the time, they have no clue of where success comes from. Are there back stabbers? Yes. Are their cheaters? Yes. Are there thieves? Yes. That's why we have cops, courts and jails. But true success and wealth comes from helping other people get what THEY want first.



New Member
You say that like the cops courts and jails aren't more crooked than politicians.

Let use marijuana as an example. DuPont and the Hearst newpaper empire gained their fortunes by lying and cheating. I'm sure some stealing went on there too. If they hadn't perpetrated their lies the US might not be so addicted to petro products, but since Dupont made up the lies and Hearst made sure they were in every newpaper, here we are today. Looky looky, success at the expense of the rest of the world.

What about Bush's phoney war? He got us in there so his family could profit off the oil money. Cheney's family is profiting off the no bid contracts that Halliburton got. More lying, cheating and stealing.

Look at all of these bankrupt compaines being bailed out. Nope no lying there, the CEO's collected their extreme salaries all the while knowing that their companies were in deep shit. Now they are getting bailed out, lieing, cheating and stealing.

I can say with confidence for every big bank account, there is a closet full of lying, cheating and stealing skeletons.


New Member
Greed has taken over. Anymore the attitude is to step on people and screw them over to get ahead. It's sickening. Why can't people just live their lives and not stab each other in the back? Why is the dollar more important that peoples lives? The same greedy fuckers who don't give a shit about anyone but their own self are the same people who think there is a heaven and they are going there. I think they really have some idea that you can buy a ticket to their imaginary heaven with cash. If there is a god I bet he's having a great time throwing the "hell switch" on all those bastards, I know I would be. Smile and say "Greed, down you go" then flip them the finger and hit the button.
i wish i could keep giving you rep. But they won't let me! :D
its the thought that counts
good post

Let me assure you, I plan on asking that Bastard Satan for a light when I get down there. :-) Assuming, wanting to have all of the fruits of my work given to me can be called greedy.
What fruits?
what exactly do you do for a living?
Do you save lives?
do you put out fires?
do you build homes?
do you take dangerous criminals off the street?
do you help people?

How exactly do you give back to society TBT?

the idea of a representative republic was supposed to be over a small area...the original 13 colonies were actually just state republics...that is why the fed didn't have much control....so when they were trying to establish a stronger fed they wrote "in order to form a more perfect union" because the original structure is as it was then...imperfect
if its imperfect than how can it be more perfect?
it could be less imperfect but more perfect? Sound like Fox got ahold of that one.


New Member
The idea that the only way to attain success and/or wealth is to stab people in the back, cheat, lie and in general, be a complete bastard is laughable. Usually, this kind of negative thinking comes from people who have done everything in their power to fail. Most of the time, they have no clue of where success comes from. Are there back stabbers? Yes. Are their cheaters? Yes. Are there thieves? Yes. That's why we have cops, courts and jails. But true success and wealth comes from helping other people get what THEY want first.

Not always. some people do earn their money working hard. But more and more I see people getting rich off underhandedness, manipulation, and collecting interest from people who live paycheck to paycheck who cant afford to buy things up front.

If the rich keep taking money from the poor bad things ARE going to happen. In fact, bad things are ALREADY happening.. get a grip Vi
fucking real estate pansy. All you care about is the economy because the better the economy is doing the more money you make. You are a greedy POS and have no right to be in this conversation.

But continue to post, it is public.


New Member
Vi is in real estate? Well fuck me a runnin, like there's no lying cheating or stealing going on in that business. *cough, hack, choke*
no kidding, and I get to see it first hand. They have made buying and selling houses a fucking game of monopoly.
They dont sell real estate for what its worth. They sell it for what they think they can get away with. And since they take a percentage cut they would obviously want to sell it as high as they can. And when the economy is doing better they can justify a higher price. It has hardly anything to do with the cost of labour. In fact the cost of labour has not been inflating at the same rate our natural resources have been. Kind of fucks the whole system up if you ask me.

Vi doesnt care for anything but the economy doing better so he can turn a bigger buck. Make a shit load of money for manipulating someone into thinking they want THAT house. Like why do we even need someone to "sell" houses?
People need to live! Houses can sell themselves. And if any questions need to be asked well then ask the builder! noone knows more about a house than a builder!

There is more to life than the economy and money. I hope more people begin to recognize that


New Member
There are people we share this planet with that think the only basic human right is the right to be born. Once you are born you can be beaten, starved, refused medical treatment, living in the street, but as long as you are born, that is all that really matters.

It's sick world, sick sick sick - The Ramones


New Member
You two should join ranks with our illustrious Med. He has the same warped view of salespeople as you do. I've been in the people business for over 40 years now. That's my job ... meeting people and helping them get what they want. Its fair to say that you two, Miss and Chuckie, are in the top 1% of negative attitudes that I've ever run into. Damn, you guyz even beat Med in the negative attitude department ... and that, my fellow stoners, is damned hard to do.

Now, for a more human political conversation and debate, why don't you two dispense with the personal attacks for a welcome change?



New Member
There are people we share this planet with that think the only basic human right is the right to be born. Once you are born you can be beaten, starved, refused medical treatment, living in the street, but as long as you are born, that is all that really matters.

It's sick world, sick sick sick - The Ramones
Aint it the truth. Vi, for instance, advocates pro-life for "non-violence" yet at the same time promotes a party that plans to fuel more money into more violent killing over seas. Somewhat hypocritical if you ask me.

And the sad part is?

That the U.S. constitution protects people like Vi. Vi feels as if it is his right as a U.S. citizen to cheat people out of their money, and then he bitches about the tax he has to pay. Little does he know he HAS to contribute lots of money because the work he does contributes NOTHING to society. The only people who have right to complain about taxes are the people who already give to society though their everyday work.

Quite frankly I think that tax brackets should not be based on income rather the type of work done. The more you are giving to society the less taxes you should have to pay. For instance, doctors, farmers, construction workers, psychologists, policemen and firemen should not have to pay very much in tax if any at all because they are helping society and our civilization in the work they do.

On the other hand, people in areas of work such as advertising, marketing and sales should have to pay a shit load of taxes because they do not give back to society in they work they do but instead they TAKE from society.

Everyone has to contribute, whether it be in the work they do, the money they give through taxation or a combination of the two.

Think about it. Why be a farmer doing HARD work when you can sit at a computer all day long and pay the same taxes and make the same amount? We need to have better incentives for IMPORTANT jobs. the high majority of kids out there want to make a killing and not have to break a sweat doing it. And unfortunately the current government is not doing enough to reverse that trend.

Vi thinks, but he only thinks for himself. Maybe one day he will look back at all the money that he unrighteously took from honest people and realize that he could have done better. We can all make a difference.