The only reason deportation is a bad idea is that it would take too many resources to round all illegals up.
Tea party Republicans flocking to appear Monday at white nationalist-connected march Friday, July 12, 2013
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, Iowa Rep. Steve King, former Rep. Allen West and Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions are all planning to appear at an anti-immigration reform rally held by a group with close connections to the white nationalist movement. According to Right Wing Watch, the Black American Leadership Association (BALA) is not the grass-roots organization it purports to be, but rather a longstanding cabal of anti-immigration activists who have “deep connections” to white nationalist John Tanton, a man the Southern Poverty Law Center calls “the racist architect of the modern anti-immigrant movement.”
The march, called the “D.C. March for Jobs,” with its “Just say ‘No’ to Amnesty” theme is slated for Monday and is expected to draw a heavily tea party-affiliated, far-right crowd. Michelle Cottle at the Daily Beast wrote Friday that BALA is believed to be “the latest in a series of minority front groups providing anti-immigration extremists cover from charges of racism.”
Trying to fight a suspected bigot with bigotry...
people sure are dumb.
I would donate money and I know others that would as well....All they have to do is ask and there would be funds to get things going south......just a thought.....
now that we've been reminded of your usage of the racist term "creepy ass cracka" do you still want to deny being a bigot?
yes, of course.
"creepy ass cracka" was a term used by a witness in the zimmerman trial. i was repeating what someone else had said, although not quite in the same manner as i do with beenthere.
are you going to defend your use of the racist term "anchor babies"?
i was also repeating what someone else had said, although not quite in the same manner as you stormfrontBUCK*
why you did silly billy, right after you posted links to stormfront.who said anchor babies?
i am sardonically mocking beenthere because he used that racial slur in an attempt to demean another member for how he chose to spend his hard earned money.
now that we've been reminded of your usage of the racist term "anchor babies", do you still want to deny being a bigot?
why you did silly billy, right after you posted links to stormfront.
Fact, many pregnant women from other countries wishing to immigrate to the united states will plan their travel here to coincide with when they think they will give birth.
What would you call it, if anchor baby is racist.? Considering a white Canadian could take advantage of the law as much as a brown Mexican could, and have.
you're a holocaust denier