UFO over Denver. For real.


Well-Known Member
Nice video, those suckers are moving fast! Don't want to assume they are from outer space, but definitely unidentified. They could be something perfectly natural and normal that we just aren't aware of.

Thought it interesting they identified a spot they triangulated as the possible spot they were going to and coming from...a residential area.


Well-Known Member
they are checking out the NWO airport and our new capitol it is no suprise to see ufo's over the new NWO base

meechz 024

Active Member
It's funny when the opportunist skeptics are no where to be seen, because this video actually has professional analysis.

Usually with a UFO video posted on the internet, there is always some know-it-all person to pretend like they can rationalize these type of things.

"Ohhh yah, it's just an military airplane, we see these all the time, put the tinfoil hats away folks"

Now that the professional's talk, all the sudden, reality hits.

We don't know what the fuck it is.........therefore it is a UFO.


Active Member
It's funny when the opportunist skeptics are no where to be seen, because this video actually has professional analysis.

Usually with a UFO video posted on the internet, there is always some know-it-all person to pretend like they can rationalize these type of things.

"Ohhh yah, it's just an military airplane, we see these all the time, put the tinfoil hats away folks"

Now that the professional's talk, all the sudden, reality hits.

We don't know what the fuck it is.........therefore it is a UFO.
I'll take the role of skeptic. Not all, but some of those images looked like possibly a bug flying right in front of the lens, therefore making it hard to make out and appearing to be moving quite quickly. And the guy says it happens multiple times a week, yet he is the only one who has seen it? Except for the baited news crew.

Was that decent skepticism? :eyesmoke:

Beardo, Is that shit really at that airport? Thats some effed up S.


Ursus marijanus
I can't help but think it looks like one of those tiny, agile multirotor surveillance drones. Or a hobbyist's RC take on one. cn