ugh i cant figure it out


Well they are currently being raised from seeds, under 200w of 6500k cfl, 78 deg temp, ventilation is good, They are about 3weeks to the day from 3-5 day germination. im useing ro water, my ph is 6 before nutes(i have been advised not to alter the ph with general organics,as the proper buffers are already in my soil and nutrient line up.


Well-Known Member
ok... Water your plant, then check the soil run off ph! Lets go from there!
well get to the bnottom of this!


im gonna feed tonight after i get off work, i never woulda imagined i would have trouble in soil. never really had any bad problems in my hydro, runs.


Well-Known Member
Id guess you added nutes too early to a soil that was already hot in nutes, i say guess when i mean you did, add that to overwatering and your about where you are now. Peace


Well-Known Member
Id guess you added nutes too early to a soil that was already hot in nutes, i say guess when i mean you did, add that to overwatering and your about where you are now. Peace
Damn kingrow on it

Like kingrow said TOO MUCH Nutrients...........why were you feeding these plants so early.......?? Now it seems your plants have nutrient lock out........water only when your pots are almost dry...lift your pot when it is really light then water........only then,apply nutrients only when your plant looks like it may need some,not the other way around,and when you do give your plants nutrients the next watering should be with water only and keep watering until your plants ask for get your plant back I would flush with 6.5 ph'd water.....wait 24 hours then transplant to a bigger pot.......


Well-Known Member
Damn kingrow on it

Like kingrow said TOO MUCH Nutrients...........why were you feeding these plants so early.......?? Now it seems your plants have nutrient lock out........water only when your pots are almost dry...lift your pot when it is really light then water........only then,apply nutrients only when your plant looks like it may need some,not the other way around,and when you do give your plants nutrients the next watering should be with water only and keep watering until your plants ask for get your plant back I would flush with 6.5 ph'd water.....wait 24 hours then transplant to a bigger pot.......
Thanks bro!lol!

Yer everyone says that the Fox Farms soil is good stuff, to me that means it packs a good amount of nutrients, those pots look big for the available root mass plus added ferts on top. I guess this grow just got away from him.

People with a few plants should always leave one unfertilized just so they have some kind of control plant to see what the effects of not adding ferts are. Also i recomend adding water every three to four days or as and when the soil dries and pot gets light, every other day either means overwatering in soil or you are not giving enough.

Hope this plant works out for you but get it stabalised first. Peace


Damn kingrow on it

Like kingrow said TOO MUCH Nutrients...........why were you feeding these plants so early.......?? Now it seems your plants have nutrient lock out........water only when your pots are almost dry...lift your pot when it is really light then water........only then,apply nutrients only when your plant looks like it may need some,not the other way around,and when you do give your plants nutrients the next watering should be with water only and keep watering until your plants ask for get your plant back I would flush with 6.5 ph'd water.....wait 24 hours then transplant to a bigger pot.......
The picture was taken right before i fed them for the first time. so I dont think so, But my feeding program seems to be working all new growth is a dark solid green, no new yellowing apparent.


Well-Known Member
Carefullthough, too dark green can mean your puching the ferts too hard.

But as we all like to hear things are getting better which is good. Re-examine after the soil dries again the next time, often if the plant will do well through the dry periods all is good fert wise, these dry periods really amplify salt and fert problems as there is less water to keep dilluted.

And please please please keep us posted, we like plenty of pics and details plus without saying the healthy new growth you have achieved since this thread. I will only sleep ok at night when i know your plant is doing good!lol! Peace and keep us posted.


Well-Known Member
I think you're in good hands here with Kingrow on the case and I do mean that sincerely but just to chip in my two cents (cuz that's what it's worth) I'm going to ask............Do you use a moisture meter? If not, you really should. Early in the game plants are just soooo unforgiving with overwatering. Not as sexy as nute lockout but it is the number one problem with young plants. If you;re sure that your schedule is solid then don't worry bout it but if not, it IS the first thing that I'd be looking at. In any event, it sounds like you're doing better so hope it all straightens out for ya!!


Well-Known Member
I think you're in good hands here with Kingrow on the case and I do mean that sincerely but just to chip in my two cents (cuz that's what it's worth) I'm going to ask............Do you use a moisture meter? If not, you really should. Early in the game plants are just soooo unforgiving with overwatering. Not as sexy as nute lockout but it is the number one problem with young plants. If you;re sure that your schedule is solid then don't worry bout it but if not, it IS the first thing that I'd be looking at. In any event, it sounds like you're doing better so hope it all straightens out for ya!!
lol Thanks bro, i just know the basics thats all, growing weed should be real easy. I didnt even help him in any way and his plants got better, this is the best way when they solve themselves but i do find most soils to be way hot in nutrients and when the guy says solid dark green well that would suggest they have had enough ferts for the time being.

Ya i just like to talk mainly too. Peace


I think you're in good hands here with Kingrow on the case and I do mean that sincerely but just to chip in my two cents (cuz that's what it's worth) I'm going to ask............Do you use a moisture meter? If not, you really should. Early in the game plants are just soooo unforgiving with overwatering. Not as sexy as nute lockout but it is the number one problem with young plants. If you;re sure that your schedule is solid then don't worry bout it but if not, it IS the first thing that I'd be looking at. In any event, it sounds like you're doing better so hope it all straightens out for ya!!
I might look into one, but i don't like to buy cheap equipment, and im really only doing these soil ones, for two mother plant for my Hydro setup. This is my first time actually growing in dirt, Really annoys me that i can manage a grow in hydro but struggle in soil. Hehe.


Well-Known Member
Just get the basics right like watering and ferts and soil is easy, hydro you add ferts from the off but with soil it is preloaded with nutrients. Bugged me too when i first started growing, soil can be such a mishap sometimes. Peace


Carefullthough, too dark green can mean your puching the ferts too hard.

But as we all like to hear things are getting better which is good. Re-examine after the soil dries again the next time, often if the plant will do well through the dry periods all is good fert wise, these dry periods really amplify salt and fert problems as there is less water to keep dilluted.

And please please please keep us posted, we like plenty of pics and details plus without saying the healthy new growth you have achieved since this thread. I will only sleep ok at night when i know your plant is doing good!lol! Peace and keep us posted.
It doesn't appear to deep a green, but ill keep a close eye on the leaves for the next couple weeks, see if i need to drop my feed down.
I' actually broke my camera(phone) the other day, so it may be a while till i have a new one. But i appreciate the help. and hopefully the future help i may need.(i hope not anyway)


Well-Known Member
Those feed schedules dont work well for soil mainly, fert companies always overdo their soil ferts, start of wek and build up from there. Let us know how they go. Peace