Ugh Oh What it be???!!!


Well-Known Member
On some of my budsites the leaves are curling down. I am feeding botinacare pure blend bloom each feeding. 400w hps temp is running 73 humidity 53. I foliage feed with just tap water. She has been in bloom for 6 full days. I feed the bloom as per directions. I really dont do anything crazy at all with her. The only thing I can think of is the last feeding I upped the fert to 1.5 oz per gallon when the directions call for 1oz. She is in soil and i let the top inch or two get dry, and check pot weight before feeding. Any suggestions are really appreciated. I really appreciate it.



Well-Known Member
If anyone has any advice please help. This is my first grow and she has been doing so well for so long (well 3.5 months). I flushed her tonight with just water, hopefully that will take care of it. I am assuming I gave her a little too much nutes.


Active Member
I believe you are #1: overfeeding, reduce accordingly, in fact stop feeding and just water it for a week or two to purge over toxicity of minerals in ur system, then start feeding them again but not to much, better too little then too much, if its too little u can up its food, but if its too much see #1.....
#2 "foilage feeding with tap water", instead try mixing 1 drop of super thrive into a gallon of distilled filtered water and use this in ur spray bottle, dont over spray, spray foilage once every 3 days.
This will get r done.


Active Member
You shouldn't take photos under HPS lights because color is obscured. And if you take the advice of using a foliar feed of superthrive, don't do that with the lights on either. The beads of water on the leaves will refract the high intensity light and burn your leaves.


Well-Known Member
You shouldn't take photos under HPS lights because color is obscured. And if you take the advice of using a foliar feed of superthrive, don't do that with the lights on either. The beads of water on the leaves will refract the high intensity light and burn your leaves.
You are 100% correct. I did some research and realized, what i knew all along from gardening, that I can feed the leaves when the light is on, and that is what i was doing. Also I read that after flowering begins you dont want to use nutes on your leaves period. I also read that after flowering begins it isnt necessary to even mist your leaves with water, is that true?? Thanks for your help.


Well-Known Member
I never foliar feed,i used to when the plant is in its flowering cycle,as it encourages mould not to mention that the buds make resin to keep their leaves moist and i think they judge this by the amount of water that falls on their leaves as well as other factors and i would never foliar feed with tap water because i noticed that the basic tap water had caused a mineral film on the leaves,if your gonna spray the plants use filtered or bottled mineral water at the least:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I wont do it anymore. Doesn't make much sense to get her this far and than fu{# her up. Thanks for the advice, I really do appreciate it!!!