UGLY plants. What could be wrong.


Active Member
unfortunately over-watering and under-watering can produce the same symptoms lol. Try using your hygrometer probe thingie, you can test the soil a little deeper with that. if it says DRY water. I would try feeding the plants a little more frequently. The plants look like they are all a very light green, which is a sign of nitrogen deficiency. (older leaves will turn yellow and die off while the rest of the plant becomes very light in color) I would increase the frequency of your feedings, not necessarily increase waterings, just monitor your medium, making sure not to over water or let it dry out too much.


Active Member
just try feeding more frequently, but remember to flush to prevent nutrient lockout
again, this is just my opinion, the more you can get the better! I had plants that were the same color as yours and it turned out to be a nitrogen deficiency so thats why I think this