uh, isnt this impossible? (vampire plant)


Active Member
DISCLAIMER: I dont see the following as a "problem" and thats why i havnt posted this in plant problems, if any admin believes that this thread should be moved then thats fine, i just didnt think it fell under "plant problems" cus its no so much a problem as a... thing...

k, so heres the deal. I was going to grow 5 White widows, or i should said i STARTED growing 5 white widows. I started them in some cups and transplanted. The problem was i transplanted from shitty soil to fox farms and nutes WAY to early and they all simply died. stupid noob mistake, i know, please dont be too harsh...

heres where it gets wierd. After my plants died (i was out of town n my dad was takin care of em [I had transplanted just before leaving town]) i was kinda depressed by my fail, so i stopped really going into my grow closet and resigned to not growing again untill i made the best of the empty room and made a few improvements ive been thinkin of.

Its been OVER A MONTH since ive opened that door and let any light or outside air go into the grow room (its just a closet, if thers no plants, theres no need to ever go in there) and ... A PLANT?! yea... there was a 6 inch tall plant that I DID NOT PLANT!! I planted 5 plants in 5 pots, all died, this is an entirely new plant that i did NOT put in the soil, i only ordered 5 seeds (from nirvana) so one couldnt have even accedently found its way there...

Its SOOO pail, you cant tell in the pic because my HPS is kinda fuckin with the colors, but the first two leaves (the first that ever sprout [cotolydens?]) are green and happy, kind of a pale green but not so pale as that i would worry about any of my plants if they where the same color.

The stalk is tall, straight as a needle, pale, and ends at a second set of leaves (i think) that look like theyve been gang raped...


1) is it a pot plant, sure looks like one....
2) how did it sprout up with no seed?
3) should i keep u posted? i threw my grow room back into emergency operation as soon as i saw this, so ima grow it and see what happens... i have to... right?

PS. I dont think the plant is a vampire, PLEASE dont think that im that stupid. also pics are coming momentarily, tryin to get em off my phone.


Active Member
0_IMAG0165.jpg here is a fuzzy pic that still gives (i believe) enough detail, if anyone wants a better one just ask, cant get it till tomarrow tho, dark time.


Active Member
im almost positive that it is, ill get a better pic tomarrow tho.
the top most leaves look EXACTLY like seedling leaves except they are mangled.
the main two bottom leaves tho, the first two to sprout that is, they are HUGE compared to my other seedlings.
ill get a better pic tomarrow tho and get it posted for sure.

if this IS a weed plant, any theories on how it... exists?


if that is a cannabis plant, the only explanation that i can come up with was that not all or the root tissue died from the plant in that pot. it was young enough and/or big enough of a root peice that it proceeded as a taproot and sprouted. otherwise it is a rouge seed from your soil. i have had really nice organic soil with a rouge clover or something now and then.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
well. Sounds like you made a ton of mistakes I'm not gonna lecture you here I'll save my breath.

It's possible what youhave is a plant from roots. Calledroot cloning it has happened before its hard to have happen on purpose. If it is a cannabis plant and your plants were truly dead than seems like what happened to you the environment is there.

Also I have heard about plants that are grown with no light being white. I once grew a seedling with the shell of the seed stuck to it. It was bagseed so I figured Id let it do it's thing and didn't bother. It grew yellow beacause it never recieved light and eventually died anyway.

Maybe these scenarios happened to you but it doesn't mean that this plant is gonna be some crazy vampire plant although it does have a strong will to live.


Active Member
how many plants look like pot plants when young? (serious question)
i decided to throw the lights on, ill take a pic tomarrow but it may be green and happy again by then so we will see...

hempshark, ur explenation as for the root system, thats exaclt what i thought too, i just didnt know if it was possible. Ive never heard of 1 plant having two stalks right out of the soil...

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
all my sprouts have looked like pot plants except for one deformed one. Doesnt look like one at all but wo knows with no light what shape it might take.


Active Member
well. Sounds like you made a ton of mistakes I'm not gonna lecture you here I'll save my breath.

It's possible what youhave is a plant from roots. Calledroot cloning it has happened before its hard to have happen on purpose. If it is a cannabis plant and your plants were truly dead than seems like what happened to you the environment is there.

Also I have heard about plants that are grown with no light being white. I once grew a seedling with the shell of the seed stuck to it. It was bagseed so I figured Id let it do it's thing and didn't bother. It grew yellow beacause it never recieved light and eventually died anyway.

Maybe these scenarios happened to you but it doesn't mean that this plant is gonna be some crazy vampire plant although it does have a strong will to live.
urg... yes, i know its not a vampire plant or anything special... i really shouldnt have put that in my post, seems like people try to point out anything that sounds like its stupid even when its a joke :/ ANYWAYS.

My mistakes where thus: planting in a cup first (no point, they where fem so it was dumb), using shitty soil to begin with, tranplanting into different soil, nuting too early.

yes, stupid mistakes, i know, but really not that big of a deal in the end, i know exactly what i did wrong, i learned, ill do it right next time.

thanks for fillin me in on the root thing, i WASNT sure it was possible, but maybe it is... so wierd...


Well-Known Member
if that is a cannabis plant, the only explanation that i can come up with was that not all or the root tissue died from the plant in that pot. it was young enough and/or big enough of a root peice that it proceeded as a taproot and sprouted. otherwise it is a rouge seed from your soil. i have had really nice organic soil with a rouge clover or something now and then.
Do you let it grow out? :)


Active Member
rogue seed, dont know what it was but when i came back today to look at it, it had stretched and shown that the leaves where in singles not doubles...