Uh oh... Hermies


New Member
I have 3 plants in flower. 1 at 4wks and 2 at 2wks. My wife went into my flower rm during dark hours and had the light on for 5-10 mins. Yup the lil banana lookin deals have appeared on all 3. One of my friends says they will just have seeds in the buds. Bummer but if that's all, I don't wanna throw out months of work if it's just the annoyance of seeds. They were all just bag seeds to begin with from commercial weed cuz I figured they would die or I'd mess em up and didn't wanna use expensive seeds. Turned out okay. 10 plants and only 3 females. Was goin okay till today : (
Will these pollen saks open up and pollenate the room? All 3 r hermed but how long will pollen stay in the room? I have 2 outside windows for ventilation.


I would just grow them out, if all 3 hermied on you. This is the reason why I put up a extra big sign on my basement door for my wife. NO ENTRY 7AM-7PM lol. Women are too blonde and don't think about shit.

When your done the grow, you should clean the room out very good with bleach, and all the equipment in the room.


Well-Known Member
Pick off the bananas before they open.
I doubt your wife was the sole reason they produced male flowers.


New Member
Thx. A lock is goin on the door asap but the more I look into it, it might be more of a genetic issue as the seeds came from unknown genetics in average bags.


Well-Known Member
Get rid of the hermaphrodites. Its not worth keeping them. Shit happens, don't sweat it.
5-10 minutes of light isn't going to make them hermaphrodite. If that were true all of your plants would have hermaphrodited.


New Member
I only had 3 and they all turned. Seems like a possible many things that did it. Too many variables. Some light in the dark, bad genetics, cpl days of a lil too hot in garden. Lots of oops. That's why I didn't wanna use expensive seeds. I think I'll pluck the bananas and harvest a bit early. Then clean the room well and wait a month till my next crop will be ready to flower. Grow and learn... Learn and grow. Thx for the help!!