Uh-oh I have tested positive for The Rona.

Whats a cuck never heard that till rollitup so its obviously a stoner thing but not that ive heard. I dont support trudeau your right hes a bad leader hes greasing palms to get money

It's not a stoner thing. I think they're trying to say you're effeminate, or unmasculine. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black, lol.
Millions of people will be dancing in the streets Wednesday afternoon, what do you losers think Stinky will be doing then?
Oh.......dearsakes....... with any pandemic politics play a big role. Politics are opinion. Many opinions out there......geez...I thought this was about herb talk.......everything is poisoned...so much damaged........I worked around world for decades...my take home........people don't get along very well!
I feel Tommy Lee Jones said it best "A person is smart, People are dumb panicky animals, and you know it!"