Uk being the Piss take that it is , do i really wanna be here !!!


Well-Known Member
Electric and gas prices going through the roof
Council tax is a freeking joke
Car insurance always costs more than my car
Pubs are shite as Nobody can afford to go anymore (cheap supermarkets taking over, everyone stays home)
Its ok to get Alcohol poisioning
Die of cancer from fags
Goverment hitting lower and middle class standards for their cuts , Pensions, nhs etc
Weed is still Illegal , yet cocaine and herion and knifes still rule our streets,

i would rather live in a cave with a tiger skin leotard , a club , a bitch like me and my plants,
least then i can do what the fuck i want!!!


Active Member
i feel you bro, the price for utilities now is a fkin liberty, i pay £240 pcm for gas and electricity.
then theres the phone,tv,internet bills.
since the smoking ban the pub industry is near dead i only have 1 local in a few mile radius, which of course is where all the knob heads also congregate.


Well-Known Member
You can do what the fuck you want now. This falls into my "Do something about it or STFU" filing folder, complain on the internet let's see some hell raised IRL.


Active Member
You can do what the fuck you want now. This falls into my "Do something about it or STFU" filing folder, complain on the internet let's see some hell raised IRL.
if you feel this way why post?
some ideas as to what to do about it would be a nice way to finish your post!


Well-Known Member
more people are talking about this.

uk seems ripe for change (and it probably will, people sound like they are fed up)


Active Member
I love the way brits talk. The slang is so funny and don't even get me started on Guy Ritchies bad ass movies. To the OP...things are tough all over. Where I'm at the only legal place to smoke anymore is outside and that's provided you're not standing anywhere near a school or hospital. Weed's illegal but alcahol can be bought on every street corner in c-stores and grocery stores.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
and i hear Australia is very MMJ friendly , could fucking stand the airports though . . . brisbane international what a joke . . . . im such an ass when i travel


Active Member
The UK government and its predecessors have allowed the country to let everyone into our country take jobs and housing. What ever happened to being proud to be British. Its going to be a long struggle. Feel sorry for my kids. What Will this once great country be like in ten years or more

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
The UK government and its predecessors have allowed the country to let everyone into our country take jobs and housing. What ever happened to being proud to be British. Its going to be a long struggle. Feel sorry for my kids. What Will this once great country be like in ten years or more
it will be like pakistan , india , or poland .


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by jafooli
The UK government and its predecessors have allowed the country to let everyone into our country take jobs and housing. What ever happened to being proud to be British. Its going to be a long struggle. Feel sorry for my kids. What Will this once great country be like in ten years or more

whats wrong will being am imagrant. its no better here in america but, move if you have to get better work. it sucks but in some cases it might have to be done. if you dont like the immigration in your country then protest!

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
im not joking here , if i go into my town , i can honestly hear more people speaking polish than english , i went into a games shop on boxing day and i swear there wasnt one person in there who was english except for me .nearlly everyworker in the supermarket is polish , i have nothing against polish people on a personal level , coz if i was born in a shit country and there was a chance to move to a better place for me n my familly i would , but its totally out of hand here now , and i just cant believe its happend so badly in my town .hand on my heart i honestly think this town will become a no go for english people in 10 years ,i allready feel out of place sometimes around here , and if you go the pubs you are allmost guarenteed to kicked off on by some eastern european who been drinkin vodka all night .
i dont mind helpin other countries out , but in the uk now there has been a massive error in our imigration policies we have liteerally let millions of people live here and its way way too many , we are just a tiny little island .
i dont know what the answer to the problem is , they are here now and you cant just round people up and shift them off .


Active Member
serious actual options? we can all march on parliament daily till they take up the discussion properly, sign the petition at e-petitions and wait, be arseholes and riot, or moan about it a lot and let them get away with it.

unfortunately we all have an equal say, thats why we vote. change doesn't happen on its own, if you really wanted to get something done about it then the first thing you do is give it up and be the public face for a campaign. play it by the rules till you can change the rules. i really do think it'll snowball as soon as someone sticks their head out and says what we're all thinking

i personally think this country has slowly let go of the discipline it used to have. from teachers losing the cane to mums and dads getting charged with assault for smacking their kids, who seriously do the kids fear??? i think a bit of national service (not fighting wars but working on bases in the uk) would drill it into them, nobody is proud to be brittish anymore because britain is so multi-cultural it feels almost racist to be patriotic.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
serious actual options? we can all march on parliament daily till they take up the discussion properly, sign the petition at e-petitions and wait, be arseholes and riot, or moan about it a lot and let them get away with it.

unfortunately we all have an equal say, thats why we vote. change doesn't happen on its own, if you really wanted to get something done about it then the first thing you do is give it up and be the public face for a campaign. play it by the rules till you can change the rules. i really do think it'll snowball as soon as someone sticks their head out and says what we're all thinking

i personally think this country has slowly let go of the discipline it used to have. from teachers losing the cane to mums and dads getting charged with assault for smacking their kids, who seriously do the kids fear??? i think a bit of national service (not fighting wars but working on bases in the uk) would drill it into them, nobody is proud to be brittish anymore because britain is so multi-cultural it feels almost racist to be patriotic.
you can feel something big brewing in this country , people are pissed off , everyone i talk to is at desperation point , i dont know whats gonna happen but theres only so much people will take .


Well-Known Member
i have an idea

u want to get out of there, i want to get out of here...

trust me, u guys have it much better than people here in the US. we have all the high bills but we have loads of debt from school and medicine. plus there r no jobs here and the ones available pay the same they were paying in 1995.